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Keep the Tail Wagging®

11-20-17  Keep the Tail Wagging® This week’s show promises to be both fun and educational as Dr. Morgan welcomes her friend, fellow blogger, author, dog-Mom and raw feeder, Kimberly Morris Gauthier, coming to us from Portland, Oregon.  In her book, “A Novice’s Guide...

Coping with the Un-Copable

03-12-18  Coping with the Un-Copable This week, Dr. Judy welcomes coach, speaker, author and healer, Carol-Ann Hamilton, joining us from Toronto, Canada.  Carol-Ann, who is both an educator and designated Reiki Master, appreciates first-hand the daunting...

Hospice: End-of-Life Love

11-05-18  Hospice: End-of-Life Love Once again, Dr. Judy’s sister, Sally Morgan, PT, CST, renowned specialist in holistic physical therapy for pets, will guest host the Naturally Healthy Pets radio show this week.  Sally is a pioneer in Craniosacral therapy for...

What About Puppies?

07-16-18  What About Puppies? This week, Dr. Judy welcomes her good friend and “alumni” guest, Tonya Wilhelm, joining us from Toledo, Ohio.  As a renowned natural health care advocate, author and award winning positive trainer and pet behavior expert, she has been a...
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