Monday 1am&1pmET
Live 1st & 3rd Mondays 1pmET
Next Live with Video September 9
The Anxious Voyage with Mark O’Brien
As Mark O’Brien’s father-in-law said to him one day, “Everybody’s got a story, kid. Everybody’s got a story.” Mark knows that’s true. He believes everyone’s story deserves to be told. And he believes the only bad stories are the ones we don’t share. That’s why he created The Anxious Voyage. It’s Mark’s conviction that every story does, indeed, deserve to be shared. He’s made it his purpose to give people in all walks of life, from any circumstances, a chance to tell their stories. Please tune in. Please join Mark. And please share your stories.
Broadcasts Weekly Monday 1am/1pmET
Live 1st & 3rd Mondays 1pmET
Live with Video September 9
Call in with a comment or Chat with Mark during Live Show with Video Stream: Call 646-558-8656 ID: 8836953587 press #. To Ask a Question press *9 to raise your hand. Or write a question on YouTube during Show
Monday 1am and Live 1pmET 9/9
The Medical Messenger: Cathy Calva Cather
Twenty-Seventh Episode: Have you or anyone you love suffered an adverse effect from a prescribed or over-the-counter medication? Cathy had four loved ones affected within two years. She co-founded Parallel Testing and launched Parallel Profile™ to reduce the number of deaths (128,000/year, the fourth leading cause of death) and inpatient admissions (2.7 million/year) from adverse reactions to FDA-approved medications. Parallel Profile is available to employers interested in improving the quality of care available to their employees and eliminating preventable and wasted costs for hospital care (over $200 billion/year) and drug failures. According to a senior exec at GlaxoSmithKline, 90 percent of drugs don’t work for 30 to 50 percent of the people who take them. Cathy’s mission is to identify better alternatives that will work safely for each patient. She has a proven track record of developing and accelerating the growth of innovative healthcare companies that have a financial imperative to make health care more affordable, of higher quality, and more readily accessible. Please join us for a very informative conversation.
Bio: Mark Nelson O’Brien is the founder and principal of O’Brien Communications Group (, a B2B brand-management and marketing firm he founded in 2004. He’s also an Irish storyteller and lifelong writer. You can see all of his published work, including his latest book, Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook, on Amazon.
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