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The Road with Cove Queen Janine Sullivan

On the road of life most of us pause from time to time and ask what is next. Answers can come in round about ways, questions can remain unanswered for years. The day comes when we pick up the pace of our inner wonderings and go after what we long for. One day I asked myself how I could gain a stronger voice. Of course I meant the authentic true voice of my heart and soul. It was at that point I decided to fulfill the long time dream of hosting a radio show.  The Road with Cove Queen Janine was born. What better way could there be to strengthen one’s voice than by speaking to people from around the world. The Road is an out of the box program that finds common ground and discovers the answers to life’s most interesting questions. Come on The Road with me, Cove Queen Janine Sullivan and together we will see what life has to offer.

Janine’s Latest Releases


The Mushroom Tree Kindle Edition

The Mushroom Tree is a collection of Poems written by Janine Ouellette Sullivan, reflecting observations and life lessons.

I enjoy writing poetry. Beyond that I have enjoyed co-authoring several books all of which I categorize as legacy books.



The Generation Jar, author Janine Ouellette Sullivan The Generation Jar Kindle Edition

The Generation Jar is a collection of poetry written while enjoying quiet reflection in nature. Thinking about people I have known, and life experiences truly gave me plenty to consider. I wish to share what I have learned with you in the form of poetry.

Being outdoors has always been a wonderful conduit for me to dig deep and reflect on the nature and the nature of my own life.

The Taunton River is a thirty-seven-mile body of water much of which has been named as a wild and scenic river system.

The native America’s lived along this river for more than 11,000 years named it Titicut. Harnessing the tiny bit of native ancestry, I have has played a powerful role in my life and deeply influenced my thinking.

This river has always been a great source of reflection and a wonderful place to ask questions of life. I have spent countless hours exploring Titicut and am quite delighted to refer to myself as the Cove Queen, Poet of Titicut.

Blue: Poet of Titicut (Cove Queen Poet of Titicut Book 2) Kindle Edition

I have desired loneliness in order to have long stretches of quiet to listen to my own mind. I wait to hear the poems that linger patiently in the air waiting for me to grab them and write them down.
It took decades to become comfortable listening to my own mind, growing and enjoying the process of finding my voice. Poetry has always been a tool to communicate ideas, insight and opinions.

I dedicate this book, Blue, to my parents. The world war two generation knew true sacrifice, strength, endurance. Their strengths and weaknesses molded me into a person I truly love, fueling a desire for deep contemplation. Presenting, myself!

Cove Queen – The Poet of Titicut: Between the Lines, author Janine Ouellette Sullivan

In publishing this collection of poetry, my intention is simple, I wish to share what I have learned throughout my life. Beyond that I hope the reader draws from this selection of poetry unique insight into their own life.
When I reflect on my life I am always drawn to my children. I am very proud of them. They have grown into wonderful, kind and compassionate people. They have always been a gift to me and the inspiration that continues to push me to be all I can be. If I have understood the meaning of love at all, it has been because of them. Each situation, every person whose path I have crossed, taught me something.
Seeking people and situations that fuel a life well lived is a very worthy goal.

To my mother, pictured on the cover, she always felt she had a book with in her. Like many women of that generation, dreams were not realized. Because I came from her, I dedicate these words that came from me to her. Connections form a powerful timeline.


Janine Ouellette Sullivan ~ Visionary : Publishing Consultant/ Illustrator / Cover Design Artist. 
Co-author of Invisible Courage by Filomena Tripp  Amazon Here


Hosting, “The Road With Cove Queen Janine,” is a dream come true. It is also the end of false beliefs in myself and the beginning of authentic living.
I grew up in, and later married into a culture of fear based thinking. For as long as I can remember I felt like I was in a room and the fire alarm was sounding. Even though there was no evidence of trouble or concern I often felt tense and over cautious. This stifled my life.
As I matured I felt fear came into me like osmosis. That is to say, the fear never felt like mine to own but it was so close to me that it felt like mine.
Throughout my forties and fifties I reasoned out many of the false stories that swept my mind. I homed in n my personal truths. Truths that were unique to me and my individuality, completely apart from other people’s perspective began to come forth.
Simply taking that action and having the willingness to see my truth revealed what was before me all along.
An abundance of curiosities unfolded. Opportunities became visible. My life was blossoming.
Opportunity is always right there on the path. Awakening to who we are apart from what we’ve been told or experienced sets the shift in motion.
This moment holds both the key and the treasure.
Sift through the stories and falsehoods with gentle love and compassion for yourself. Soon you will clearly see your radiant self and your purpose in this life.

BIO: Janine Ouellette Sullivan: For more than forty years I have worked in the field of social service.I received a degree in Child Psychology and Welfare. The array of people and situations nurtured a desire to see people deeply.I have studied Reiki, Energy Healing and other courses of study centered around wellbeing. I have designed enhancing programs for Middle School age children. My love of writing inspired me to assist people in bringing their own books to life. I have done illustrations and cover designs.

I call myself a writer, poet, radio host, artist, and visionary. The truth is I can call myself anything I wish! Why not attach positive and uplifting descriptives to myself and go for it?

I have learned that falsehoods intrude our mind. It can often take a life time to sort out what is ours to own and what was place there by other people and situations. At this point in life I decide how I would like to define myself. I live my life based upon kindness and compassion. I have learned many things along the way and I wish to share that with you. After years of working with people with neurological disease I realized we all get tangled up in our thoughts.The Road with Cove Queen Janine is here to help us untangle our thinking an point our internal compass directly to the next highest point. It is this moment that holds the key that leads to the treasure life longs to present us. Let us sift through what we think we know and discover what we truly know in our heart and soul.





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