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03-12-18  Coping with the Un-Copable

This week, Dr. Judy welcomes coach, speaker, author and healer, Carol-Ann Hamilton, joining us from Toronto, Canada.  Carol-Ann, who is both an educator and designated Reiki Master, appreciates first-hand the daunting responsibilities caregivers face.  Along with thousands of hours when she supported challenging aging parents, she brings over 25 years expertise as an organizational development specialist to her personal and professional advocacy.  Carol-Ann now uses these same skill sets to create transformation within the eldercare industry, including how caregiving of aging parents affects your pets and how to minimize the impacts.  Learn more as she shares with Dr. Judy her personal experience of the effect upon her cats when she lived that stressful chapter of life plus how Reiki helped tremendously in calming them down.  Listen further as she offers insights on what caregivers can and need to do to safeguard their own physical and emotional health as well as that of the animal members of their households.  It’s a show you won’t want to miss.

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