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Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister

Perfect Happiness

08-14-19 Perfect Happiness Perfect happiness is our natural state of being, it is our inheritance. The whole universe is calling to us to be happy and all we have to do is listen to that stillness within that knows that this is true. We all feel on some level that...

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Inner Listening Part 2

07-31-19 Inner Listening Part 2 A Course in Miracles is teaching us to be a miracle worker, a teacher of God. By teaching peace we will be peaceful. Our teaching will be in our attitude which teaches the whole universe. If we become a whole loving being then we are...

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Inner Listening

07-17-19 Inner Listening When we think we know something about the world, about ourselves and others then we cannot be listening. Most of the time we are listening to the ego voice which has its own agenda and is not who you are. If we are serious about awakening then...

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Mastery Through Love Part 2

07-03-19 Mastery Through Love Part 2 Here we have another very powerful session with David from the Mastery Through Love online retreat. This is the second half of the second day where we go deeper into the core issue that we have a perceptual problem. We look at...

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Mastery Through Love

06-19-19 Mastery Through Love This is a very deep and profound talk in which David shows the escape from fear and into love. To introduce the talk here is a quote from A Course in Miracles to set the tone.  “The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for...

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Be Happy in Everything You Do

06-03-19  Be Happy in Everything You Do Often we find ourselves doing things out of duty, obligation, fear, unworthiness. We feel that certain things are required of us. If I do good things I won’t get punished or I will be rewarded in some way. We are always looking...

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How Can I be Truly Helpful on the Spiritual Journey

05-22-19 How Can I be Truly Helpful on the Spiritual Journey Everyone likes to be helpful. The most important thing is where is the helpfulness and giving coming from. Is it from the ego or the spirit? In many helping professions such as Social Service, there is a...

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Access the Power of Your Mind

05-08-19 Access the Power of Your Mind We have come to a time where we are starting to understand the power of the mind. We are now seeing that truly everything can be working together for good when we align our mind back to our source. When we think anything is going...

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What is Prayer

04-24-19 What is Prayer We often associate prayer with asking for something a means of getting what we want, an answer to a problem we need to solve. It can be a request to have something in form such as a house, new car, relationship etc. In this talk, we will...

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Never Have a Bad Day Again

04-10-19 Never Have a Bad Day Again Everything in form can be used for awakening because we are always in the perfect place at the perfect time for healing, we just have to be open to be guided. Over the years David has been nicknamed the ‘Tech Mystic’ because he has...

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The Ego Is out of Business

03-27-19 The Ego Is out of Business The ego has no power over your mind unless you give it that power. You can dispel the ego by withdrawing your attention from it. This is very important for us to take in and look at what we are thinking and believing. Everything...

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The Guide Within

03-13-19 The Guide Within In this weeks show David is joined by Jason Warwick and Michael Caruana as they explore the topic of being under Christ control There is a power greater than what we know at work which is caring, loving and kind. We can call it a higher...

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Embracing your Magnitude

02-27-19 Embracing your Magnitude When on the spiritual journey we really need to take practical steps to unwind from ego thinking. We need to give ourselves the space to look at our thoughts and looping patterns that seem to keep being acted out in form. The ego’s...

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It’s Stepping Into Magnitude

02-13-19 It's Stepping Into Magnitude When we think about magnitude we think about being successful in the world, having a good job, money, fame, nice things and being respected by others. In fact this is littleness which is all part of the ego mask. We build self...

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This Is Your Holy Instant

01-30-19  This Is Your Holy Instant Enjoy this profound second session of October’s "Awakening from the Dream" Online Retreat as David hosts a Q&A session with the online participants! Some of the topics talked about this week are, depression, feeling empty, how...

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The Breath of Eternity

01-16-19  The Breath of Eternity This week we take a look at having a state of mind that is fully present to the miracle. In A Course in Miracles, this is known as the Holy Instant. This is our goal to come to a place of full acceptance and appreciation of our true...

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The Birth of Holiness

01-02-19  The Birth of Holiness This week's show is taken from our online retreat the “Birth of Holiness.” David is joined by Frances Xu as they discuss that our birthright is holiness. We take a closer look at that Somewhere in our minds we forgot we are holy. We...

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Into the Mystic Part 6 The Authentic Awakening

12-19-18 Into the Mystic part 6 The Authentic Awakening David is joined by Kirsten Buxton and Michael Caruana as they dive deep into the authentic awakening journey. In this final day of the ‘Into the Mystic’ online retreat, we explore that we are love, that love...

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Into The Mystic Part 5: Practical Steps to Mysticism

12-5-18  Into The Mystic Part 5: Practical Steps to Mysticism On this week's show, participants in the online retreat ask questions regarding how to be authentic and practice spirituality in their everyday life. In relationship with family and friends, there is the...

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Into The Mystic Part 4

11-21-18 Into The Mystic Part 4 This week's show is not to be missed, we have a wonderful teaching session that took place at the “Into the Mystic” online retreat. David explores lesson 109 I Rest in God, from A Course in Miracles. "I rest in God. Completely...

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