Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister
The Dismantling of the ‘I Know Mind.’
03-06-24 The Dismantling of the ‘I Know Mind.’ In his recent talk, David delves into the concept of atonement, emphasizing the importance of correcting our thinking and belief systems. He explains how our actions reflect our thoughts and how aligning our thoughts with...
A Collaborative Adventure
02-21-24 A Collaborative Adventure In A Course in Miracles, Jesus teaches us that the ego is not real and that there are no fundamental differences between men and women. The ego makes up differences, but it is a death wish and not real. Jesus emphasizes that we must...
The Illusion of the Ego – A Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister
02-06-24 The Illusion of the Ego - A Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister The movie 'Ruby Sparks' explores the need to release our interpretations of the distorted world of linear time, which is a result of the ego's trick of becoming accustomed to the world. The...
The Lure Promise of the Special Relationship
01-24-24 The Lure Promise of the Special Relationship In January, David launched a new movie workshop series that will take place every other Saturday within the Tribe of Christ community. His first commentary features the 1989 film "Always" directed by Steven...
Community Chautauqua with David Hoffmeister, Movie ‘Mully’
01-10-24 Community Chautauqua with David Hoffmeister, Movie 'Mully' The movie Mully, starring Charles Mully, is a powerful example of pray, listen, and follow. It unites us with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Creator, focusing on our heart's desire to remember God....
Community Chautauqua at Casa Quantico with David Hoffmeister
12-27-23 Community Chautauqua at Casa Quantico with David Hoffmeister David starts the Chautauqua by talking about the expanding prison ministry. The prisoners are a very receptive audience to the idea of innocence, and when they get released or paroled, they are...
Chautauqua Movie Night ‘Dreamin’ Wild’ Commentary by David Hoffmeister
12-13-23 Chautauqua Movie Night 'Dreamin' Wild' Commentary by David Hoffmeister David ended the first Living Miracles Chautauqua with a spiritual movie commentary on the movie "Dreamin' Wild." Chautauquas expanded and spread throughout rural America until the...
Opening Session from the November Monterrey Retreat with David Hoffmeister & Urpi Milla
11-29-23 The Opening Session from the November Monterrey Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Urpi Milla After six years, David Hoffmeister returns to Monterrey, Mexico, to give a full-day retreat. This is the first morning session with Spanish Translation. From David's...
The Nature of Relationships by David Hoffmeister
11-15-23 The Nature of Relationships by David Hoffmeister In this talk, before David shows the movie “Deja Vu,” he clarifies that we need to understand that there aren't good or bad interpersonal relationships. There is no hierarchy of love. There's no hierarchy of...
The Fear of Miscreation- A Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister
11-01-23 The Fear of Miscreation- A Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister The song "Let It Go" from Frozen reminds us to let go of the past and the belief system that projected the cosmos and memories. Jesus teaches us that judgment is on a continuum, and the ego is a...
Spiritual Commentary to the movie “Violet” with David Hoffmeister
10-18-23 Spiritual Commentary to the movie “Violet" with David Hoffmeister In this talk, David discusses the importance of mind training in understanding the inner and outer world. He argues that people often focus on projections and misperceptions, believing that the...
Being the Dreamer of the Dream Rather Than Its Floundering Hero
10-04-23 Being the Dreamer of the Dream Rather Than Its Floundering Hero David Hoffmeister is introducing the movie “Mr. Nobody” (2009) a quantum roller coaster ride through the illusion of choice, past the trap of regret, direct to the simultaneity of time and the...
Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me – Pray, Listen and follow with David Hoffmeister
09-20-23 Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen and follow with David Hoffmeister In this talk, David is going deep into the topic of prayer. Let's call it a new lifestyle of PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW. In the past, we were trying to be educated and learn about...
How To Deepen in Divine Trust
09-06-23 How To Deepen in Divine Trust - by David Hoffmeister In this introduction to the movie ‘Jesus Revolution,' David discusses the importance of deepening our trust in God and the divine. He shares his personal stories and references to teachings from A Course in...
Movie ‘Chaos Walking’ Introduction by David Hoffmeister
08-24-23 Movie 'Chaos Walking’ Introduction by David Hoffmeister This movie is a strong reminder to all of us to see the innocence in our brothers and sisters and that being transparent with our thoughts and beliefs might seem scary at first, but is a blessing to all...
How to Fully Say Yes to Whatever Is Given by David Hoffmeister
08-08-23 How to Fully Say Yes to Whatever Is Given by David Hoffmeister In this talk David discusses saying "yes" to whatever is given in order to achieve spiritual awakening. David introduces a movie called "Yes Man," which encapsulates the journey from a closed...
David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery
07-26-23 David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery In this talk from Living Miracles Monastery in Utah, USA, David Hoffmeister reflects on the purpose of the world and poses the question of what the ultimate purpose or end game is. He mentions how movies...
The Only Way Out is The Only Way In – David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair, and Frances Xu meet the interns at La Casa De Milagros
07-12-23 The Only Way Out is The Only Way In - David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair, and Frances Xu meet the interns at La Casa De Milagros In this first Wednesday gathering, David Hoffmeister and the participants discuss the journey of spiritual awakening and the importance...
Faith to see the Christ in everyone with David Hoffmeister
06-28-23 Faith to see the Christ in everyone with David Hoffmeister The Course in Miracles is a profound teaching that helps individuals connect with their inner teacher and release all dependencies from the world. It is a tool that allows individuals to come into...
How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second – Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
05-31-23 How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister Description: David's Commentary How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second emphasizes the importance of being constantly focused on God and submerged in His love and presence....