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The Afterlife: Hollister Rand

07-03-20 The Afterlife: Hollister Rand Author and world-renowned Medium Hollister Rand answers some of the most common and prevalent questions about life after death in her upcoming release Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but Were Afraid to Ask....

How Reconnecting Heals You

03-01-18 How Reconnecting Heals You If you think about the language people use to describe physical death you’ll hear things like he’s moved into the light or he’s crossed over… All these expression imply that those in spirit are away from us, when, in fact,...

Ever wanted a Fresh Start?

03-14-18  Ever wanted a Fresh Start? Every day we are provides with multiple opportunities for fresh starts. It’s just that we sometimes don’t see it that way! We are so used to making little, small, seemingly insignificant choices on a daily basis that we...

Guest John Major Jenkins

[plulz_social_like width=”350″ send=”false” font=”arial” action=”like” layout=”standard” faces=”false” ] 07-03-15   Searchers Roadmap with Rhonda Harrison John Major Jenkins is a pioneering voice...

Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne

03-12-21 Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal...
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