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FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle

Body Shame, Love & Logic, and What we Resist, Persists

02-07-18  Body Shame, Love & Logic, and What we Resist, Persists Is it any coincidence that the “obesity epidemic” and body shaming are both at an all-time high? Could it be that our resistance to “getting fat” is fueling our cultural obsession with shaming bodies...

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Our Bodies, Body Shame

01-31-18  Our Bodies, Body Shame Join Lora as she dives deep to uncover thoughts, ideas and feelings surrounding our bodies and ourselves and the body shame we all carry in one form or another, no matter what we look like. We live in a society where it's considered...

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Moments & Challenges

01-22-18 Moments & Challenges Dreamvisions 7 Radio YouTube Live Episode On today’s broadcast, Lora discusses the importance of rooting into the moment, and being a present in every moment, no matter what those moments looks like. When times are good, it’s easy to...

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Overcoming Disaster

01-17-18 Overcoming Disaster Stuff happens. Bad stuff. And the reason the phrase, “When it rains, it pours” exists, is because bad stuff seems to happen all at the same time. And it stinks! But don’t despair! Even when the train goes waaaaay off the tracks, even when...

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Sound Healing with Jonathan and Andi Goldman

12-20-17 Sound Healing with Jonathan and Andi Goldman Have you ever felt happier after listening to music? Or felt better by singing or humming along to a favorite tune? If so, you are not alone! What you just experienced was the power of sound. Not only is sound...

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Sara Sophia Eisenman, She Is One

12-06-17  Sara Sophia Eisenman, She Is One Join Lora for an hour of pure, alchemical magic, as she interviews silver-haired goddess, Sara Sophia Eisenman, who shares her wisdom on everything from fully embodying the self, to the divine feminine, to creating and...

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Desire Into Action with Robert Kandell, Business Coach

11-29-17  Desire Into Action with Robert Kandell, Business Coach ​Part of  Building Your Dreams and Living Your Sparkle means putting all that you desire into action. For many of us, that's the tricky part! How do we stay both creative and organized? Robert Kandell,...

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Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude

11-22-17  Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude Thanksgiving is the perfect time to focus on having an Attitude of Gratitude. Yes, we know in our heads that we should be thankful for things, but what does that really mean? And why should be be grateful? Can being...

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The Reality of Manifesting

11-15-17  The Reality of Manifesting Manifesting is kind of a thing right now. There are books, videos, workshops and webinars on how to manifest. If everyone knows how to manifest, why are so many people still struggling? Why does it seem to work for some people but...

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Exploring Relationships

[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] 11-08-17  Exploring Relationships Relationships. Everyone dreams of finding Their One True Love, but does that even exist? In today's show we explore...

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Me, Too. – And What to do if You Were

11-01-17  Me, Too. – And What to do if You Were Maybe you have seen this on people’s Facebook Status, and maybe not. This movement was started in order to raise awareness about sexual assault and sexual harassment by encouraging those who have experienced either to...

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Process of Learning

10-18-17  Process of Learning Learning. Whether we know it or not, we are all learning every moment of every day. We learn from people we meet, things we watch, read or hear. Instead of being passive learners, and risk learning bad habits or negative beliefs, we can...

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Aging and Women, Part 2

10-11-17  Aging and Women, Part 2 Last week's show featured a round table discussion between women who were all around age 50. They shared their perceptions on being women who were aging, which inextricably led to discussing sexism, the participatory and the double...

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Aging: Maiden-Mother-Crone

10-04-17  Aging: Maiden-Mother-Crone Aging. It's something that we all do, and it's something none of us like to talk or think about! But whether we talk about it or not, every day, we are still getting older. Join us for this week's show on aging and women and the...

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Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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