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01-03-18  How to Get the Job You Really Want and Get Employers to Call You, with Joe Sabah

Have you ever felt like you have a message to share to the world? Something big and powerful and important to share, but you didn’t know how to get that message out there?

Then it’s time for you to meet Joe Sabah! A powerhouse of a man, who is in his late 70’s, and is also a stroke survivor, but has never, let anything slow him down!

Joe Sabah has been helping people get known through speaking and publishing for 40 years. After he and Judy Sabah wrote their book entitled How to Get the Job You Really Want and Get Employers to Call You, he was looking for a way to market the book most effectively.

The How to Get on Radio Talk Shows Without Leaving Your Home or Office system is the result of his experience.

Joe is a nationally recognized speaker, consultant, author and publisher. He lives in Denver, Colorado where he operates a speaking, publishing, and consulting business. A 30 + year member of the National Speakers Association, in 1982 Joe served as founding president and co-founder with Judy Sabah  of the Colorado Speakers Association, now NSA Colorado, a chapter of the National Speakers Association. He also served as president of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association for two and half years.

​Beginning his journey in the field of promotion as Regional Vice President of the American Motivational Association in Northern California, Portland, Oregon and Denver, Colorado, his Sales Congresses traditionally exceeded 1,200 seminar attendees. He sponsored and promoted congresses that included speakers: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Cavett Robert, Og Mandino, Ira Hayes, Marilyn Van Derbur and Zig Ziglar.

​He has been actively involved with the Dale Carnegie Courses in Ohio, Washington DC, Northern California and Denver, Colorado. Additionally, Joe has been a guest on 723 Radio Talk Shows!

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