FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Love Simplified, Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationships with Shmaya David
02-03-21 Love Simplified, Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationships with Shmaya David February means Valentine’s Day, and Valentine’s Day means love. And sadly, many people spend their lives in search of love that they just can’t seem to maintain....
How did I end up here? New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep
01-27-21 How did I end up here? New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep Did you know that only 8% of people keep or succeed at their resolutions? Crazy isn’t it? Most people make the same few resolutions year after year – to lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking, get...
The Final 8th – With Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
01-20-21 The Final 8th - With Bridgit Dengel Gaspard Have you ever worked diligently to achieve something you really wanted, but stopped short at the last minute? You are not alone, and it is not your fault! Discover your limitless, creative, resourceful (hidden)...
Creating a Vision for 2021 and Beyond
01-13-21 Creating a Vision for 2021 and Beyond Welcome to FLAUNT!, a podcast for women ready to get to know themselves again, show themselves unapologetically for who they authentically are – not who they think they should be, and rechoreograph the next stage of...
Second Act Women with Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt
01-06-21 Second Act Women with Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt Don’t lie. You’ve heard all the stories about ageing, and they aren’t pretty. Especially for women. Society says we're over the hill, too old, gray, wrinkly, and used up. Once the kids leave home we...
Learn Which Beauty Products & Procedures Work, and Which Waste Your Money – With Christy Hall
12-23-20 Learn Which Beauty Products & Procedures Work, and Which Waste Your Money - With Christy Hall December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy,...
Overwhelmed and Over It – Lead With Your Heart, Choose What Means the Most, & Find Your Calm With Christine Arylo
12-16-20 Overwhelmed and Over It – Lead With Your Heart, Choose What Means the Most, & Find Your Calm With Christine Arylo December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season”...
Find Your Purpose and Ignite Your Creativity with Diana Rowan
12-09-20 Find Your Purpose and Ignite Your Creativity with Diana Rowan December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and...
Sparkle All Season – How to Enjoy the Holidays The Way You Think You Should
12-02-20 Sparkle All Season – How to Enjoy the Holidays The Way You Think You Should December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and...
End 2020 With Gratitude & Grace – Tips From Today’s Top Thought Leaders
11-25-20 End 2020 With Gratitude & Grace - Tips From Today’s Top Thought Leaders November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every...
Top Tips For Managing Depression & Anxiety – with Tracey Maxfield
11-18-20 Top Tips For Managing Depression & Anxiety – with Tracey Maxfield November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is difficult! Join me every Wednesday, all...
Gratitude & Grace – A FREE Five Day Challenge to Find Happiness this Holiday Season- with Lora Cheadle
11-11-20 Gratitude & Grace – A FREE Five Day Challenge to Find Happiness this Holiday Season- with Lora Cheadle November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult times. Right now, everything is...
How to Make a Difference as an Antiracist and an Ally Without Burning Yourself Out or Destroying Relationships – with Rebecca Eldredge, PhD
11-04-20 How to Make a Difference as an Antiracist and an Ally Without Burning Yourself Out or Destroying Relationships – with Rebecca Eldredge, PhD November’s theme is Gratitude & Grace. Gratitude is always important, but it is especially so during difficult...
The Journey to Self-Love Through Burlesque, Family, and Homemade Italian Food. -With Angie Pontani, The Italian Stallionette
10-28-20 The Journey to Self-Love Through Burlesque, Family, and Homemade Italian Food. -With Angie Pontani, The Italian Stallionette Let’s talk about Burlesque & Boobies! What? October is breast cancer awareness month, and because my work focuses on confronting...
Revel in Your Body, Reveal Your Radiant Essence, and Receive What You Desire. -With Kellita Maloof, The Showgirl Shaman
10-21-20 Revel in Your Body, Reveal Your Radiant Essence, and Receive What You Desire. -With Kellita Maloof, The Showgirl Shaman Let’s talk about Burlesque & Boobies! What? October is breast cancer awareness month, and because my work focuses on confronting taboo...
How Burlesque Disrupts Ageism, Sexism, and Traditional Beauty Standards and Empowers Women to Be Who They Are. -With Michelle Baldwin
10-14-20 How Burlesque Disrupts Ageism, Sexism, and Traditional Beauty Standards and Empowers Women to Be Who They Are. -With Michelle Baldwin Let’s talk about Burlesque & Boobies! What? October is breast cancer awareness month, and because my work focuses on...
How to Figure Out Who You Are and What You Want (and have fun in the process!)
09-30-20 How to Figure Out Who You Are and What You Want (and have fun in the process!) September’s Theme is Education & Learning Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19,...
Activate the Power of the Universe Within You – With Kim Stanwood Terranova
09-23-20 Activate the Power of the Universe Within You - With Kim Stanwood Terranova What is Your Intention? For yourself, your life, and for the world around you? September’s Theme is Education & Learning Traditionally September has signaled going back to school...
Bring Out the Healthy Rebel in You! With Ashleigh & Tricia from Reb3l Fit
09-16-20 Bring Out the Healthy Rebel in You! With Ashleigh & Tricia from Reb3l Fit September’s Theme is Education & Learning Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many...
Stop Checking your Likes & Find True Confidence -with Susie Moore
09-09-20 Stop Checking your Likes & Find True Confidence -with Susie Moore September’s Theme is Education & Learning Traditionally September has signaled going back to school and the start of fall. Although this year is different due to COVID 19, many of us –...