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Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister


03-24-21 I AM  Here is a movie workshop that took place last week we recommend you watch the movie as well as listening to David’s commentary. Here is a Netflix link where you can watch the movie if you wish: The movie that...

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Embracing the Present Moment 

03-10-21 Embracing the Present Moment  Well today we have a very profound topic, embracing the presence. It doesn't matter what spiritual tradition or religion you come from, whether you are a course in miracles practitioner or not. All of the perennial wisdom, and...

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The Great Awakening

01-27-21 The Great Awakening Our weekend retreat is called the Great Awakening and I will give a context otherwise it can seem disorienting, it can seem bewildering. It can even seem fearful at times, without an overall context. I know that it doesn't matter what...

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Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness

01-13-21 Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness Forgiveness is the key to happiness. To think about a key is for the purpose of unlocking something right? That's why we use the key or use the key to unlock something. That must be unlocking happiness. And all of us want...

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The Illusion of Time Part 2

12-30-20 The Illusion of Time Part 2 The Miracle takes away the past. It takes away what never was. The Miracle takes away the interference. That’s the prayer of your heart what could healing be except taking away the interference of what always is so, so that's why...

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The Illusion of Time

12-16-20 The Illusion of Time The illusion of time what a juicy topic. This is something that you can go all the way with the Holy Spirit and Jesus on this topic, then you find that you're free, and always have been free. If you find that you're joyful you're lit up,...

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You are an Eternal Being

12-02-20 You are an Eternal Being In A Course in Miracles Jesus tells us the Word of God means, I am as God created me.  That's humbling accepting yourself as a spirit, not as flesh. That's humbling accepting yourself as an eternal being, not as some make-believe...

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Who is Jesus?

11-18-20 Who is Jesus? It's not difficult for me to talk about Jesus or share a huge amount of experiences with Jesus because my walk with Jesus, probably began when I was much younger because I came through a Christian church and was confirmed. And then after about...

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The Power of Now

11-04-20 The Power of Now All the mystics and saints and sages, all the way down from Buddha. Krishna, Christ, every mystic has talked about the present moment and being present. And now we know why. Now we know why the mystics and saints emphasize the present moment...

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Let Miracles Lead the Way

10-21-20 Let Miracles Lead the Way We really do need to be open to miracles because miracles are involuntary and should not be under conscious control. That seems to be the key to experiencing the kingdom of heaven is the miracles. It's releasing the belief and...

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Full Transparency Part 2

 10-07-20 Full Transparency Part 2 Can you share a body? No. Jesus says minds are joined bodies do not. You can't even share a body that starts to loosen up the definition of interpersonal relationships because if you only share a purpose in your mind, then you can't...

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Full Transparency

09-23-20 Full Transparency Transparency is not a side issue or something that's a tangent to the spiritual journey or something that is on the side, that could be helpful. It's Actually, the thing that can really take you into an experience of complete forgiveness....

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Beyond the Body Part 2

09-09-20 Beyond the Body Part 2 In this second part of the Beyond the Body online retreat David uses the movie Mr Nobody as a teaching tool to show that everything is all happening simultaneously and that time is not what it seems. Therefore in truth, the body does...

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Beyond the Body-Part 1

 08-26-20 Beyond the Body-Part 1 When Jesus came to earth with this beautiful message of salvation and happiness and joy and peace and gentlemen, 2000 years ago, What he had to share was so deep and was so profound that basically he had to do most of his teachings in...

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Do you see that this World is Fake?

08-12-20 Do you see that this World is Fake? What about you? Do you see that this world is fake? That's the key right there. The Holy Spirit, Jesus is saying, join with us. Let's see this illusion is an illusion. Don't keep believing in it. Because as long as you...

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Guidance A Direct Pathway to God

07-29-20 Guidance A Direct Pathway to God Most people think the spiritual journey is about giving up everything and is a journey of pain and hardship to the end. Yes, you will have to give up everything you think you know of this world and that is a wonderful thing....

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The Inner Teacher

07-15-20 The Inner Teacher This world was set up for you not to find yourself. Don't search for likes on your posts on Facebook, don't look outside yourself to the things of time and space and say, where is the love, because as long as you look in the darkened glass...

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Down the Rabbit Hole

07-01-20 Down the Rabbit Hole "The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized. Open-mindedness comes with lack of judgment. As judgment shuts the...

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An Open Mind is a Healthy Mind

06-17-20 An Open Mind is a Healthy Mind This is such a glorious opportunity today to dive down the rabbit hole away from theology, away from philosophy beyond right and wrong and good and bad. We're gonna dive down the rabbit hole today. Deeper than ethics deeper than...

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