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FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle

Frankie Picasso, The Unstoppable Coach

11-30-16 Frankie Picasso, The Unstoppable Coach “Your past is not your potential, for potential has no bounds. Choose to break Free from your self imposed limits. Use your imagination to create a life of Endless possibility. Experience your magnificence first hand.”...

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Fitness Exercise & Eating

11-23-16   Fitness Exercise & Eating With the holidays approaching, many people are concerned about staying shape and not gaining weight.  Being busy cuts into our fitness routine and holiday parties and festive meals cut into our healthy eating plans. Not to...

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PTSD and the Election

11-16-16   PTSD and the Election Since the election cycle began, I’ve been overwhelmed with clients urgently needing appointments – not because of their weak constitution or their inability to see both sides of an argument, but because their Post-Traumatic Stress...

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Say It With Words with Julie Martin

11-02-16   Say It With Words with Julie Martin Words are powerful. They can... Evoke a memory... Brighten your day... Unleash a passion.... Stop you dead in your tracks... Bring instant tears of joy to your eyes... Light you up with encouragement or inspiration......

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What is Aerial Yoga? With Michelle Dortignac

10-26-16   What is Aerial Yoga? With Michelle Dortignac, Founder of Unnata® Aerial Yoga On some level, we are all constantly striving for balance. We continually navigate our way between our needs and wants, work and play, yin and yang, freedom and responsibility....

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Energy Fields with Lora Cheadle

10-19-16   Energy Fields with Lora Cheadle The energy field around our body is essentially another organ. Like our skin, it wraps around our entire being, encasing us in roughly a six-foot bubble of energetic vibrations. All day long our energy field comes into...

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Shawna Fritzler ~ Support Jeffco Kids

10-12-16   Shawna Fritzler ~ Support Jeffco Kids With the elections looming, it feels like nobody out there cares about the truth, facts or collaborating in order to accomplish common goals. Everything is focused on the Nation, and how things will be drastically...

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Patty Yaconis, Managing Director of The Edge Theater

10-05-16 Patty Yaconis, Managing Director of The Edge Theater FLAUNT! is all about doing what you love, whether that's full time, part time or simply as a hobby. Today's guest and her husband had a shared hobby-theater-until one night at a cast party they found...

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Singer Songwriter Cheryl Branz

08-31-16  Singer Songwriter Cheryl Branz How do you balance "real life" with the pursuit of your passion? Yes! it is possible to have a real life, with a real job and still be able to do whatever it is that makes your heart sing. It just requires you to FLAUNT! a bit!...

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Showgirl Awakening

08-24-16  As a "Life Choreographer," Lora has always been passionate about dance, and the processing of emotion through dance and movement. When she met Kellita, "the Showgirl Shaman" who does similar work, focusing on movement, joy and coming home to the body, she...

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Being an Empowered Woman with Roni Antonio

08-17-16   Being an Empowered Woman with Roni Antonio In this week's show, Lora interviews Roni Antonio, yoga teacher, personal trainer, energy healer and creator of "Yoga for Strength and Empowerment for Women over 40." Lora and Roni discuss the physical connection...

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Lora’s Positivity Balancing Challenge!

08-10-16   Lora's Positivity Balancing Challenge! "I just love all the negative political rhetoric!" says nobody ever. Until you hear this show and until you accept Lora's Positivity Balancing Challenge that is! In this weeks show, Lora shares Angelic Insight about...

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On Air Life Choreography Session with Quin about Body Image

08-03-16   On Air Life Choreography Session with Quin about Body Image Body image. It's something women deal with almost daily from the time they are young. We are confronted with edited photographs of women in magazines that we are told we should live up to. We are...

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This Month: Book of the Month: White Heron: A Creation Story, author Amy Olmedo

Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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