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12-07-16   Journey of Joy Children’s Book Series with Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant

The series delves into issues of self-esteem, integrity and authentic happiness in a fun and experiential way through the eyes of a seven-year-old girl named Joy as she meets new and unexpected friends along her path to choosing a more joyful life.

These characters include a childlike and funny baby dragon named Fred, a beautiful butterfly named Glitter who shares the life wisdom of unlimited possibilities, and positive I AM statements.

Joining the group in book two is a sweet and inquisitive English Bulldog Stanley who has been bullied and led to believe that he is ugly.  In book three we meet Johnny, a talented young boy, new to the neighborhood who is trying to make a tough decision.

Book four introduces Joy’s mischievous cat Rosie, her empathetic friend from school Zina.  We also meet Zina’s cousin Josh and Spirit, the horse, during a fun visit to the Happy Creek Horse Rescue Ranch.

In this book, these kids learn how to trust their feelings and not be afraid to make choices that may be different from the crowd.  Zina also shares the importance of respecting all animals and their feelings too. Josh is an inspiring example of how to be of service to others while being kind and brave.

The characters and stories in this book series will delight the kids in your life with tales of unexpected challenges and new ways to think, react and live more joyfully.

Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant, co-hosts of ‘Echoes of the Universe’ radio show, are co-authors of the international best-selling “Journey of Joy Series” owned and produced by Matrix Productions.   Matrix Productions is a multi-media company having a global impact on those ready to expand their awareness of the connection between mind, body and spirit.  Through their publication of books, on-line classes, videos and webinars, they produce tools that will shape the thoughts and hearts of like-minded people.  They also affiliate with highly recommended transformational programs. Donnelly and Grant are coaches in law of attraction principles in their work with Matrix Productions as well as their independent practices.  A passion for them is sharing these principles to inspire adults and children alike to let their greatness shine and realize a world of unlimited possibilities!

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