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03-08-17    Angel Readings with Lora Cheadle

Confused about your life purpose? Need a one-on-one with your angels, guides or deceased loved ones that you can actually understand? Maybe you just want a deeper connection with the universe or the ability to find your own brand of Zen. How about confirmation that the decisions you are making are in your highest good and best interest?

An Intuitive Angel Reading is a divinely channeled session during which messages from your angels, the Archangels, ascended masters and guides or deceased loved ones communicate loving guidance and assistance to you. It’s a psychic reading rooted in divine love! You can ask specific questions or you can just let the reading flow based on what your angels and guides wish you to know. Readings provide you with the answers, insight and inspiration you need to confidently take your next step.

An Angel Reading, or any other type of intuitive counseling, Angel Therapy®, energy work, chakra clearing, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy®, psychic reading or intuitive life coaching is beneficial because it’s like having a direct line to our angels, guides, ascended masters or deceased love ones, providing us with insight and clarity when we need it most.

Angel Readings and intuitive counseling or therapy provide perspective on our lives from an outside, neutral yet divine point of view. Information that comes through on an intuitive level is rooted in divine love and has our best interest and highest good in mind. There is never any judgment or shame, only lessons and love.

Angel Readings are fantastic at confirming what we already suspect or know deep inside, giving us the needed push to take the next steps in peace. Psychic or Angel Readings are also very inspirational, helping us to see outside the box and break out of limiting situations or relationships.

Tune in to today’s show and hear LIVE Angel Readings from callers like you! Interested in your own reading? Email Lora at or call 303-994-4945 and set up your life, on-air appointment! Need more time? Lora also schedules clients privately!

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