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The Story Walking Radio Hour Archives with Wendy Fachon

Farm and Forest Schooling for Kids

03-03-25 Farm and Forest Schooling for Kids Guest Kelly McNiff, Founder, Farm and Forest Education Center at Pat's Pastured Our food purchasing choices impact both our physical health and environmental sustainability. We can empower children and families by teaching...

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Art in the Park: Creativity, Self-Esteem and Civic Pride

02-03-25 Art in the Park: Creativity, Self-Esteem and Civic Pride Guest Gail Ahlers, Founder and Executive Director, The Empowerment Factory How do we inspire urban youth to care for their community environment? We provide them with hands-on opportunities that unleash...

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Kids GARDENING: Helping Young Minds Grow

01-06-25 Kids GARDENING: Helping Young Minds Grow Guest Em Shipman, Executive Director, kids GARDENING ( ) Gardening is a highly engaging learning activity that can be incorporated into a school curriculum to offer real world applications of math,...

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Natural Intelligence, Guest Cory Edmund Endrulat

12-02-24 Natural Intelligence Guest Cory Edmund Endrulat, Teacher of Natural Law, Integrative Health Coach and Author Humans invent synthetic technologies with the intention of solving problems and making life easier, yet there are many instances where these so-called...

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Too Many Deer

11-04-24 Too Many Deer Guest Professor Bernd Blossey, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University Across northeast America, overwhelming numbers of native white tail deer, with their voracious and indiscriminate appetites, are reducing...

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Coastal Learning and Stewardship

10-07-24 Coastal Learning and Stewardship Guest Maureen Dewire, Education Coordinator, Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Numerous animal species rely on salt marshes for nesting and breeding. Most of the fish and shellfish eaten in the United...

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For Our Children: Warrior Parenting

09-02-24 For Our Children: Warrior Parenting Guest Janet Demeter, Founder of Jack's Angels Foundation and Host of Childhood Cancer Talk Radio Fifty percent of children in the U.S. have chronic health issues, and among these, cancer is the leading cause of death among...

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Local Seafood Year-round: Eating with the Seasons

08-05-24 Local Seafood Year-round: Eating with the Seasons Guests Molly Moran-Ogren, Jordyn Kastlunger and Alexander Esterly, RI Seafood Marketing Collaborative By purchasing and eating local seafood, we help sustain regional fisheries and local fishing businesses....

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Living in Today’s World and Longevity

07-01-24 Living in Today's World and Longevity Guest Michael (Mikey) Peres, Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Journalist By embracing a natural lifestyle, we can improve our own health outcomes, our quality of life, our longevity and our success. This is exemplified by...

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Movement Education Outdoors

 06-03-24 Movement Education Outdoors Joann Ayuso, Founder and Executive Director, Movement Education Outdoors Movement Education Outdoors (MEO) takes place on Narragansett, Pokanoket, Nipmuc and Wampanoag land and teaches youth the history of Indigenous peoples and...

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Symbiotic Schoolyard: Learning Ecosystem Restoration

05-06-24 Symbiotic Schoolyard: Learning Ecosystem Restoration Guest Janneke Peterson, Founder of Symbiotic Schoolyard As a middle school science teacher, Janneke Peterson sought to involve her students in place-based, real-world projects, but there was a problem. She...

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Tania Marien, Podcaster and Founder of Talaterra

04-01-24 Tania Marien, Podcaster and Founder of Talaterra The mission of Talaterra is to change the field of freelance environmental education to make it a sustainable career choice. By fostering an understanding of how freelance educators work in their communities,...

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Spinning our Life Experiences into Compelling Stories

03-04-24 Spinning our Life Experiences into Compelling Stories Guest Diane Wyzga, Story Guide, Consultant and Founder of Quarter Moon Story Arts Young and old, we all enjoy listening to good stories. Children, in particular, love listening to parents and teachers tell...

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Thrive Outside

02-05-24 Thrive Outside Guest Shannon Rozea, Founder, Thrive Outside Today's kids are our future, however, denying them access to outdoor experiences deprives them of the learning needed to become better stewards of the planet. And, the fact is, many children are...

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What is Bioethics?

01-01-24 What is Bioethics? Rachael McIntosh, Founder of the Foundation for Bioethics in Technology Have you ever wondered about the environmental health implications of today's rapidly-evolving technologies? The Foundation for Bioethics in Technology (

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Hope and the Power of Agency

12-04-23 Hope and the Power of Agency Pamela Patalano, Holistic & Spiritual Practitioner, Environmental Activist and Community Organizer The power of agency is “the ability to take action and responsibility for the changes we need to take place for the survival of...

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Natural Abundance, Gratitude and Healing

11-06-23 Natural Abundance, Gratitude and Healing Maria Kelly, Founder and Executive Director, AMOR Healing Kitchen Making wise food choices influences our health, how we feel and how we care for our planet. With gratitude we acknowledge that the simplest of foods...

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Environmentally-Safe Technology – Part 3

10-02-23 Environmentally-Safe Technology – Part 3 Guest Cecelia Doucette, Director of Massachusetts for Safe Technology, Education Services Director for Wireless Education Invisible and unseen, electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation is increasingly impacting...

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