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UniversalSoul_alchemystmystiquehamid07-19-16   Universal Soul Love: The One and Only Multi-Dimensional Self

Det David and Dr Lana Love interview life coach Alchemyst Mystique. They discuss the overwhelming, confusing, yet intriguing topic phenomenon known as the ‘Multiple Self’.

The Multiple Self is a collective soul that is comprised of a number of personalities, existing on multiple levels: co-existing as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and multiple conscious selves. They can be traumatically and spiritually created, from within this lifetime, as well as from different lifetimes both past and future.

This show focuses on the “Integrated Self” versus the “splintered soul”. Will Duality or Non-Duality of the Self ultimately prevail when seeking the Whole You?

Make sure you and all of your selves do not miss this!!

Guest Occupation:
Professional Development Coach, Spiritual Advisor, Public Speaker

Guest Biography: 
Hamid R. Baghaie , is a life coach and intuitive who helps his clients awaken their greater personal power. An aikido black belt and reiki master, he received his B.Sc. in computer science from University of Toronto. An avid writer, Hamid started his coaching practice in 2010. When not doing improv theater, and designing web sites, he spends his free time exploring the latest personal development technologies.

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