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Wendy Nadherny Fachon Host Story Walking Radio11-25-19 Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon Talks About Empowering Young People, Sustainable Awareness, Ideas and Creativity

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We Welcome …Creative… Sensible… solutions. Let’s engage with Earth… with Spirit… and with one another… heart to heart… to solve problems and co-create more meaningful life stories withWendy Fachon,  Host of the Story Walking Radio Hour is a part of D7RN’s Sustainability Regeneration & Green platform shows…

Heart to Heart … Debara & Wendy’s conversation brings about a whole new shift-in spiritual awareness for walking your story and life’s journey … 

Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon empowers young people, by showing how to step forward into each new life learning adventure with clarity, confidence and positive energy. Through the process of Story Walking, Wendy introduces us to the unsung hero of America’s ideal of liberty, Roger Williams. In 1636, Williams became the founding father and guiding light for the small state of Rhode Island. As we express our gratitude in celebrating the independent Spirit of America, we advocate for Williams’s story to be shared and celebrated in American History school curriculum-everywhere .

Wendy began her youth work training in the school of life by observing and listening to her own daughter and son as they faced the challenges of growing up with bullying, fickle friends, and tough teachers. When her nephews, aged 5 and 7, lost their father on 9/11, she joined the boys and her sister on their bumpy journey along the road to recovery from deep trauma and upheaval….

Learn more about Roger Williams at

Learn more at, email or call 401 529-6830. Connect with Wendy to order copies of FiddlesticksThe Angel Heart or Storywalker Wild Plant Magic Cards.


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