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FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle

Six Tips to Navigate the Holidays After Betrayal

12-20-23 Six Tips to Navigate the Holidays After Betrayal Are you worried about navigating the holiday season after infidelity or betrayal? These six tips will help you navigate the season with ease, so you can find some joy, connection, and grace despite the stress...

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Find Rest, Stillness & Inner Peace

12-13-23 Find Rest, Stillness & Inner Peace While most everyone says they want inner peace, very few know how to achieve it. Learning how to develop the skills and habits necessary to find and reclaim inner peace is essential. Especially during this time of year...

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Parenting Through Infidelity & Betrayal

12-06-23 Parenting Through Infidelity & Betrayal What do you tell your kids about infidelity? What if the affair partner is going to be involved in your children’s life? How do you explain your emotions to your child? How do you pull it together enough to parent...

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Challenging Stereotypes & Judgments Around Infidelity

11-29-23 Challenging Stereotypes & Judgments Around Infidelity Infidelity and betrayal are hard enough without the added stigma and shame of being “the betrayed partner” or being married to “a cheating man.” In this episode we will dispelling the stereotypes,...

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Giving Up Too Much of Yourself? Why We Do It and How to Stop

11-01-23 Giving Up Too Much of Yourself? Why We Do It and How to Stop Are you betraying yourself? Many women are taught to be “good girls,” to please others, conform to standards, and to perform up to somebody else’s standards. But living like this is a betrayal of...

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Make Meaning of Your Partner’s Infidelity & Thrive!

10-18-23 Make Meaning of Your Partner’s Infidelity & Thrive! Finding out about your partner’s Infidelity is likely one of the worst things that’s ever happened to you. But how you let it define you is up to you. Looking back, will your partner’s betrayal be one of...

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How do you Decide to Stay or Leave After Infidelity?

10-11-23 How do you Decide to Stay or Leave After Infidelity? “Should I stay, or should I go?” is one of the most important questions you will have to answer after learning of your partner’s infidelity. And even though most women want to make the decision quickly, the...

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Using Compartmentalization to Help You Heal

08-30-23 Using Compartmentalization to Help You Heal What is compartmentalization? Is it good or is it bad? Is it something the cheater used to cheat, or is it something you can use to heal? Surprisingly, the answer is both! Here’s what you need to know about both the...

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What’s The Difference Between Coaching & Counseling?

 07-26-23 What’s The Difference Between Coaching & Counseling? What’s the difference between coaching and counseling after infidelity? I couples counseling the way to go, or is coaching a better option? Why is it so difficult to recover from an affair? What does...

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Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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