FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
Hay House Author Mary Shores Sharing Conscious Communications and a Free Gift!
09-20-17 Hay House Author Mary Shores Sharing Conscious Communications and a Free Gift! As an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and CEO, Mary Shores teaches individuals and businesses to fearlessly create their own realities by using scientific methods and practical...
Food Network Celebrity Chef Susie Jiminez
09-13-17 Food Network Celebrity Chef Susie Jiminez In today's health-conscious culture it is common to hear about what we should not to eat. Food becomes a burden and the culture, flavor and passion that surrounds food and shared meals is lost. But food should be...
Be a Powerful Tool with Ky Gabriel
09-06-17 Be a Powerful Tool with Ky Gabriel Ky Gabriel has been on an Eastern spiritual path since she was two years old. She grew up with the practices of meditation, chanting mantras and yoga and has fully embraced this path as a student and a teacher. She has...
Baseball Memories From a Two-Year Old with Cathy Byrd
08-30-17 Baseball Memories From a Two-Year Old with Cathy Byrd Cathy Byrd is a residential real estate broker and mother of two young children who never had aspirations of becoming a writer until her two-year-old son began sharing memories of being a baseball player...
Adrenal Fatigue-Reaching Your Breaking Point
08-23-17 Adrenal Fatigue-Reaching Your Breaking Point Most of us try hard to bed all things to all people. We try hard, sacrifice and go without sleep, good nutrition and proper relaxation, but at what cost? This week's show explores Adrenal Fatigue, and how our...
Part 3 of Spiritual Aspects of Suicide
08-16-17 Part 3 of Spiritual Aspects of Suicide Join Lora for part three of her shows on suicide and depression. Part one featured the human energy field and how our energy field can be impacted by depression, and what we can do in order to facilitate our own...
Depression Part Two
08-09-17 Depression Part Two In last week's show, Lora discussed suicide, depression and the resulting impacted on the human energy field. She explained how our energy field can be impacted in one of three ways. First, others can put energetic "barbs" or "bristles"...
Suicide & Depression
08-02-17 Suicide & Depression Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park was recently found dead, due to an apparent suicide. This happened on the same day that Lora's Husband lost his favorite Aunt, prompting an insightful discussion about suicide and...
HOW to Build Your Dreams and Live Your Sparkle
07-19-17 HOW to Build Your Dreams and Live Your Sparkle Sometimes we just don't know where to begin, and that's OK! Yes, the Five steps of FLAUNT! will get us exactly where we want to be, but sometimes we are so stressed that five steps feels too cumbersome! Luckily,...
Sing Stories with Jeff Leinaweaver, Storyteller
07-12-17 Sing Stories with Jeff Leinaweaver, Storyteller Once, there was a way to sing the stories of our ancestors and honor the living inner worlds of our imaginations; a way of bringing wisdom, connectedness and engagement to the greater human tribe. These ways...
Feminism in All of Its Forms
07-04-17 Feminism in All of Its Forms Join Chloe Bailey, sophomore pre-med student at Washington College and Lora Cheadle, as they discuss feminism in all of its forms. Feminism today looks radically different than the feminist movement of the 60's or 70's, which...
Re-Ignite Your Radiance, a Self Care Immersion for the Soul
06-28-17 Re-Ignite Your Radiance, a Self Care Immersion for the Soul Have you ever felt overwhelmed, tired, under appreciated or irritated? Have you struggled with feelings of anger or frustration or cried at the drop of a hat? These are all signs of burnout. It is...
Past Lives with Kian Xie
06-21-17 Past Lives with Kian Xie Join host Lora Cheadle and guest Kian Xie as they discuss past lives, why they matter, and how you can use past life regressions and memories to improve your life and relationships today. As a special bonus for Dreamvisions7...
The Five Sparkly Steps of FLAUNT with Ms Roxy Star
06-14-17 FLAUNT! is all about Building Your Dreams and Living Your Sparkle! Through the Five Sparkly Steps of FLAUNT! women are finally able to reconnect with whoever they truly are inside. But no matter who we are or what we dream of, women need the support of...
Honoring The Mother and Father in All of Us
06-07-17 Honoring The Mother and Father in All of Us How is your relationship with your Mother? What about with your Father? Do your parents embody the archetype of the role that they play, or not? Many of us have conflicted relationships with our parents, and some...
Medical Intuition
05-31-17 Medical Intuition There's nothing like getting the help you need, when you need it. And we can only get the right help if we get right diagnosis! Because doctors diagnose based on our description of our own symptoms, it is imperative for us to accurately...
Bird at My Window
05-24-17 Bird at My Window Sometimes we work so hard fighting for something that we feel strongly about, that we forget to step back and take a look at what we are fighting. A robin at my window recently showed me situations where I am fighting my own reflection,...
Dennis Thornberry, an Elvis Tribute Artist
05-17-17 Dennis Thornberry, an Elvis Tribute Artist This week's show features Dennis Thornberry, an Elvis Tribute Artist who has definitely built his dream and is living his sparkle by honoring the magic, generosity and love of Elvis Presley. Dennis has been an...
FLAUNT! is all about Listening Within, Trusting your Truth, and Navigating Your World Accordingly
05-10-17 FLAUNT! is all about Listening Within, Trusting your Truth, and Navigating Your World Accordingly But that still, small voice within is sometimes not so quiet! How would you feel if the Universe suddenly shouted a message to you so clearly that you simply...
Health and Healing With Pets: Our Emotions
05-03-17 Health and Healing With Pets: Our Emotions Animals are amazing! Not only do they make wonderful pets, but they help us process and express our own emotions. All animals, whether domesticated or wild, are here to hold space for the health and healing of...