FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
How to Live With Regrets
04-28-21 How to Live With Regrets Have you ever laid awake, thinking about all the dumb things you’ve done your entire life? Regretting things that you did or said – or did not do or say, when you should have spoken up. Regret, like any negative emotion, is painful,...
Books, Books, Book! Summer Reading Suggestions & The 2021 Colorado Book Awards
04-14-21 Books, Books, Book! Summer Reading Suggestions & The 2021 Colorado Book Awards Are you ready to snuggle in with a good book? Whether it’s a steamy beach read, a heart-pounding thriller, or getting lost in poetry, Abby Kerstetter, Programs Coordinator...
Sexually Woke – Awaken the Secrets to Your Best Sex Life in Midlife-with Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith
04-07-21 Sexually Woke – Awaken the Secrets to Your Best Sex Life in Midlife-with Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith When you think about midlife, sex, and doctors you probably don’t think about spirituality, mind-body connection, inspired wellness, or mind-blowing sex and...
Why Humans Need Dance – Especially Now!
03-31-21 Why Humans Need Dance – Especially Now! Throughout all cultures, throughout all time, humans have danced. They dance to celebrate or grieve, prepare for a hunt, beg for rain, or bond together as a community or tribe. Dance is the ability to move in time to...
Master Your Energy -Master Yourself -with Natalia Gabrea
03-24-21 Master Your Energy -Master Yourself -with Natalia Gabrea In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal...
Transform the Way You See Yourself -with Julie Ulstrup
03-17-21 Transform the Way You See Yourself -with Julie Ulstrup In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal...
Fitness, Mindset, and Healthy Habits -with Liz Hall
03-10-21 Fitness, Mindset, and Healthy Habits -with Liz Hall In honor of #womenshistorymonth, instead of honoring women who have already made history, I am honoring women who are about to make history! Join me all of March as we celebrate virtual personal trainer Liz...
Embrace Your Sexy Even If You Don’t Think You Have a Sexy Bone in Your Body or The Idea of “Being Sexy” Kind of Scares You
03-03-21 Embrace Your Sexy Even If You Don’t Think You Have a Sexy Bone in Your Body or The Idea of “Being Sexy” Kind of Scares You Sexy is a provocative word with a lot of baggage. Most women simultaneously want to be sexy and are terrified of being sexy. Being sexy...
Manage Your Menopause Naturally– with Maryon Stewart
02-24-21 Manage Your Menopause Naturally – with Maryon Stewart In 2020, more than 50 million women are going through menopause in the United States, and it’s estimated that one billion women around the world will be experiencing menopause globally by 2025. And while...
Bigger Love with Sam and Patrick Cullinane
02-17-21 Bigger Love with Sam and Patrick Cullinane For many people, being in a relationship is the end goal. But having a relationship and having a happy relationship are two entirely different things! Relationships take work. They take introspection, understanding,...
Living, Loving, and Being a #TooMuchWoman -with Gina Hatzis
02-10-21 Gina Hatzis, motivational speaker and founder of #Too Much Woman Living, Loving, and Being a #TooMuchWoman -with Gina Hatzis Dedicated to woman everywhere who have ever been told to sit down, shut up, or back off. Today’s show will empower you to own your...
Love Simplified, Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationships with Shmaya David
02-03-21 Love Simplified, Practical Habits to Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationships with Shmaya David February means Valentine’s Day, and Valentine’s Day means love. And sadly, many people spend their lives in search of love that they just can’t seem to maintain....
How did I end up here? New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep
01-27-21 How did I end up here? New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep Did you know that only 8% of people keep or succeed at their resolutions? Crazy isn’t it? Most people make the same few resolutions year after year – to lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking, get...
The Final 8th – With Bridgit Dengel Gaspard
01-20-21 The Final 8th - With Bridgit Dengel Gaspard Have you ever worked diligently to achieve something you really wanted, but stopped short at the last minute? You are not alone, and it is not your fault! Discover your limitless, creative, resourceful (hidden)...
Creating a Vision for 2021 and Beyond
01-13-21 Creating a Vision for 2021 and Beyond Welcome to FLAUNT!, a podcast for women ready to get to know themselves again, show themselves unapologetically for who they authentically are – not who they think they should be, and rechoreograph the next stage of...
Second Act Women with Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt
01-06-21 Second Act Women with Barbara Brooks and Guadalupe Hirt Don’t lie. You’ve heard all the stories about ageing, and they aren’t pretty. Especially for women. Society says we're over the hill, too old, gray, wrinkly, and used up. Once the kids leave home we...
Learn Which Beauty Products & Procedures Work, and Which Waste Your Money – With Christy Hall
12-23-20 Learn Which Beauty Products & Procedures Work, and Which Waste Your Money - With Christy Hall December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy,...
Overwhelmed and Over It – Lead With Your Heart, Choose What Means the Most, & Find Your Calm With Christine Arylo
12-16-20 Overwhelmed and Over It – Lead With Your Heart, Choose What Means the Most, & Find Your Calm With Christine Arylo December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season”...
Find Your Purpose and Ignite Your Creativity with Diana Rowan
12-09-20 Find Your Purpose and Ignite Your Creativity with Diana Rowan December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and...
Sparkle All Season – How to Enjoy the Holidays The Way You Think You Should
12-02-20 Sparkle All Season – How to Enjoy the Holidays The Way You Think You Should December, the last month of the craziest year any of us have probably ever experienced. How can you close out 2020 and “Sparkle All Season” with joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, and...