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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and Deborah Beauvais are ELATED to Announce new show The Second Genesis Awakening™ with host Debara Bruhn Towt starting January 23rd at 12am & 12pmET and broadcasting every Monday at this time. This show is part of our Sustainable Living platform.

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The Second Genesis Awakening™ with host Debara Bruhn Towt & Adam’t Gardener

Building America’s Medicine Wheels for Generations to Come…

In all the histories of mankind…in all the Great Moments with Great Nations…there has never been a Moment in Mankind’s History like the last 220 years. Begun as what we call the Industrial Revolution, Advances in the Sciences has Accelerated in Ways mankind has never known. It is a Great Mystery Unfolding Itself upon us. All that has been Revealed to Mankind has lead to this one Moment of Realization…we are now in The Second Genesis Awakening™.

It is a Moment for Mankind to Fully Embrace an Image…of Something Vast and Infinitely Creative…written within us upon Scrolls of Human DNA…waiting Activation. The Potentials of What We Are…and Why We’re Here…are Explored in depth on this one hour show. This is not Imaginings…this is not a Belief…but is at the Heart of Becoming a Human Unlike any other Age of Man has seen. It is an Existence without sickness…without… disease…Accessing Intelligence at a Level never known until Now.

The first show will Explore the Possibilities…available right here…right now…to take Actions Intended to place us into a Flow of Life and Consciousness never known before. It is Empowering to Experience these Possibilities within us as they take place at both the physical and metaphysical levels of Existence. It is a Way of Living…of Being…in our Everyday Lives that makes our day to day World into an Enchanted, Mysterious Movement that is…a Second Genesis Birth. This show will answer questions you’ve always Wondered…it will Bring the Beginnings of a Peace you’ve known was Possible but could not quite Grasp and Own.

BIO: Hosted by Song Writer/Singer Debara Bruhn Towt, The Second Genesis Awakening™ is Debara’s Vision for Humanity. Her music says Volumes about her own life’s Journey that’s been it’s Own Second Genesis Awakening. Always an Intuitive Counselor with an extraordinary Connection, her music tells a Story of her Life and it’s many Passages into Consciousness that has become a Walking in many Worlds. Her Presence is Her Medicine…her Words Bringing Comfort and Hope. Her Music can be Transporting, Connecting a person to Realms Within that have been Unexplored. Debara’s Lifestyle is in itself…a Second Genesis Birth and Resurrection into Life. Living for over two decades from only a plant based diet and lifestyle, she has found a Way of Being that is easily Integrated into any busy life and lifestyle that Delivers a person into a New Reality filled with Possibilities in every Moment. In partnership with her Mate and Best Friend, Adam’t Gardener, they have created a website called and have made available two books that detail this incredible, Second Genesis Awakening Age and it’s many Possibilities available right here…right now…to anyone willing to Engage the Universe on It’s Own Terms.

Learn more about Debara, Sustainable Living  Host on her D7R Page Here:
Songs of Debara FaceBook  

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