Conversations that Make a Difference Archives with Teresa Velardi
What’s Your God Given Purpose?
02-01-22 Your God Given Purpose? Bios: Denise Harvey is a published author passionately writing about God's grace. Her children's book Growing up Sassafras -Where is my Daddy? and her newest book, Emergence of Me - Discovering My Identity and Courage Within, are...
Coaching with Passion and Purpose
01-18-22 Coaching with Passion and Purpose Laurie Rowland Laurie is an Ordained Women’s Minister, Poet, Author, Speaker and Coach. She helps and inspires women struggling emotionally in difficult relationships and past trauma break free and start walking in their...
Coach Peggy Willms, Successful Entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC.
01-04-22 Coach Peggy Willms, Successful Entrepreneur and owner of All Things Wellness, LLC. Coach Peggy Willms has been a Trend Setter for more than years, with her unique approach, tools, and strategies shattering the “Norm” in the health, wellness, fitness, and...
Frank Zaccari, Best Selling Author
12-21-21 Frank Zaccari, Best Selling Author Bio: Frank Zaccari is a best-selling author who has written seven books based on life-altering events. Business Secrets for Walking on Water and Business and Personal Secrets for Avoiding Relationship Landmines are the first...
The ABC’s of Children’s Books
12-07-21 The ABC’s of Children’s Books Kenyetta Obie is a native of Atlanta, Ga. where she is raising her son. Her college major in child development led her to a career as a teacher both in mainstream and special needs development. Kenyetta's journey has fueled her...
Children’s Books that Build Confidence
11-30-21 "Children's Books that Build Confidence" Authors: Jeria Arthur "Girls Play Football Too" Jeria "Ace" Arthur, from Conyers, GA is the mother of two, a professional women's football player and gym owner. Her children, Jayah and Jayce are the children in her...
Meaningful Children’s Books Just in Time for The Holidays!
11-16-21 Meaningful Children's Books Just in Time for The Holidays! "I Am Not What They Say" Joshua D. Blocker is an Award-Winning Actor, Author, Screenwriter, Director, and Founder of DAWAY ENTERTAINMENT. An all-around creative who is spontaneously comedic,...
Joyful Living with Kimberly Rinaldi
11-02-21 Joyful Living with Kimberly Rinaldi Kimberly Rinaldi Bio: Speaker, Author and Radio Show Host, Kimberly Rinaldi shares her decades of experience as a Certified Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP, Success Coaching, Reiki and other healing modalities. In...
In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10-19-21 In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Dannielle Weiler is a 2 time breast cancer survivor. At 48, she is mother to 2 boys aged 27 and 11, and grandmother to a 10 month old. Originally from Binghamton NY, Dannielle moved to Northeastern PA in 2006 where...
Spreading the Message of Mayhem to Miracles
10-05-21 Spreading the Message of Mayhem to Miracles Bio: Eileen Bild, CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life has, along with her husband, a world-renowned multi-media and production company. She works with purpose driven professionals, giving them platforms to share...
Mayhem to Miracles, Sacred Stories of Transformation Change
09-21-21 Mayhem to Miracles, Sacred Stories of Transformation Change Bio: Sharla Charpentier is a lawyer and recovered alcoholic who shares a passion for writing creative children's stories, a love for teaching, family, travel, adventure, and all of the world's...
Are Your Dreams a Conversation with the Divine?
09-07-21 Are Your Dreams a Conversation with the Divine? Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, aka The Queen of Dreams, is a co-publisher/, three-time Breast Cancer Survivor, taught Psychology at USF Fort Myers Branch, hosts Dreaming Healing on DreamVisions7...
Conversations that Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi