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Down the Rabbit Hole

07-01-20 Down the Rabbit Hole “The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized. Open-mindedness comes with lack of judgment. As judgment shuts...

Song of Prayer

06-03-20 Song of Prayer “The song aspect of prayer is quite a beautiful way to bring those words together song of prayer. Songs involve sometimes lyrics but songs also involve beautiful melodies and it’s beautiful to think of prayer, and a melody as being the...

Spiritual Movie Watching

05-06-20 Spiritual Movie Watching “Movies are an excellent way to watch your mind, to pay attention to your emotions, and to help you discover what your unconscious beliefs are. When you react emotionally to a movie, it’s the same as reacting to people in...

Beyond all Appearance

04-22-20 Beyond all Appearance In order to find your true self, you must uncover the mask that is your ego-self. This is done through exposing your hidden thoughts and beliefs, being transparent and open to let go of this false self. This includes all the thoughts...
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