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The Inward Journey

05-31-17   The Inward Journey The ego in us always wants to see the cause of our problems as outside of ourselves and beyond our ability to change. But truth would teach that the cause of everything we perceive is within our own mind and nowhere else. The violence we...

What’s My Purpose?

05-17-17  What’s My Purpose? When caught up in our ego thinking it c​an feel as though we have no purpose. That is because the ego’s purposes for us are all meaningless, yet are disguised as being meaningful. Making more money, trying to succeed, and attempting...

Let It Go

05-03-17   Let It Go Everything that is needed for us to awaken to our True Nature is always here and now. Whatever needs to happen for us to go deeper in the practice of forgiveness will always reveal itself. It may take the form of issues with family, friends, our...

The Happy Dream

04-05-17  The Happy Dream Description: We try and find happiness in relationships, jobs, and money, but all the while it seems just out of reach. So we continue to plan, hoping to find what we are looking for. But even our plans conflict because there always seem to...

Toward a Rapid Awakening

03-22-17 Toward a Rapid Awakening Description: Your spiritual awakening can be relatively rapid, and two of the fastest ways are through silence and relationship. Spending time in silent prayer or meditation is a great way to stir up everything up in the mind that was...
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