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Carmen Harra06-20-24 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Dr. Carmen Harra author of her newest book ”Wholeliness” and Host of her radio show “We Are One” which is presented by Hay House . This episode will be Part One of a two part series exploring life, life after life, and energy for healing. Dr. Harra is a clinical psychologist and TV personality featured on national shows such as The View, Good Morning America, and The Today Show. Dr. Harra’s extensive training in traditional and alternative modalities plus her advanced intuitive abilities aid her clients in shattering long-held illusions inhibiting them from reaching their greatest potential. All of us today are standing on the threshold of major shifts in the financial , health, educational and political systems of our society and only through each of us making our best effort will the world move forward in the most beneficial way Through an explanation of the scientific and energetic laws of the universe she lays out a plan and a way to embrace wholeliness: the unity of humanity, the Divine and the universe.

Learn more about Sheryl here: