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What If?

 What if we were all living consciously on a daily basis? We decided to leave all our struggles, pain, and sadness because none of it served us any longer; it just didn’t feel good anymore. We decided to place our energies into helping others, in the name of our loved ones. What if conscious love was added to disease or illness? We step out of it for moments and learn we can heal. What if love was added to every judgmental thought we had? Space would enter and creativity would soar. We would find a newfound Lightness. What if we were able to really ‘see’ the person in front of us, seeing their journey instead of our own? Compassion would rise.

What if consciousness were part of our choices in decisions to come up with solutions? One example, what if our thoughts surrendered to the possibility of hiring the wrong person? I recall a time when I first thought, oh no, this person isn’t aligned with us, then when stated to our Higher Intelligence, “Okay I surrender, I will help teach this person and will learn as well.” But then the person chose a different direction. There wasn’t any discomfort for either party, all just had a flow. How did that happen? Universal trust in surrendering, receiving guidance and knowing either way all would be well.

What if governments thought of humanity instead of the few? What if the gun makers were asked to create something different though valuable for the people and land? The gun makers would say yes, and get to creating and because it was to the Highest Good of all, the universe would comply with abundant gifts for those makers. All the people would thrive.

Would we then need war?

You may be thinking, how is this kind of living possible? Wouldn’t we be bored? We would not. There would be plenty to create and much work to be done within us and around us. Think of the clean up from all the centuries of destroying.

The Laws of the Universe comply with whatever we think and choose…why not work with the Universe. When one experiences the sweetness of what life can be without fear or pain, one knows everything is possible…and the glories on earth become reality.

“I Am the Presence Walking in the Radiance of Love”



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