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06-11-18  Thinking About the Natural Path?

This week, Dr. Judy’s very special guest is Dr. Will Falconer, DVM; a homeopathic veterinarian, author, educator and blogger joining us from Austin, TX.  After nearly 40 years in veterinary practice, Dr. Will began to see clearly that the majority of illness in animals (just like in people) is chronic now and it appears to be man-made.  Ironically, most illness comes from conventional “prevention” practices: over-vaccinating, feeding lifeless and toxic diets, and poisoning the flea, tick and heartworm with pesticides!  Find out how Dr. Will decided to get out in front of all that with natural prevention, taught mostly to pet owners, encouraging them to gain the power of knowledge and step confidently out of the broken paradigm that is conventional medicine.  Listen and learn further as Dr. Will talks about his book, Vital Animals Don’t Get Heartworms and the drug-free prevention program that actually works!  This is a show you won’t want to miss so tune in to hear Drs. Judy and Will share their perspectives on natural health care and more.

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