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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network welcomes intuitive Dr. Jenn and The Jenn Royster Show debuting January 26th at7pmEST, a DV7 production at 1510am NBC Boston. The show broadcasts on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network 2x every Thursday 10am & 10pmEST. Listening links below…

Jenn Royster_3dd0e50The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour with a focus on bringing Hope to the world with the greatest healing energy known, Divine Love. Dr Jenn is passionate about helping others trust in the power of their own natural style of intuition. The journey takes you inward where healing begins at the root cause of life’s greatest challenges. Show topics and guests include: energy healing, guided meditations, intuitive reads with callers,The Angelic Realm, metaphysical topics and spiritual self help. Dr.Jenn Royster, is an internationally known Intuitive Spiritual Counselor and Energy Healer, known for her innovative style in Intuitive Reads, Energy Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Akashic Record Reads, Soul Retrieval and Support for Empaths.

Debut Sunday, January 26th at 7pmEST

Dr. Jenn is taking your calls~

617-237-1234 or 866-338-9663

At 1510am NBC Boston
Sunday 26th 7pmEST

Thursday 10am & 10pmEST
Click Listen Live

Title: Messages from the Angels : Good News for 2014
Description: The New Year 2014 brings good news and a sigh of relief according to messages Dr Jenn has received from the Angels. We are beginning to see a clear line between what was our reality, and a new higher consciousness flowing in on the fast moving energies. The news is filled with stories of disaster, but the Angels are clearly delivering messages of hope and encouragement.
This energy is drawing out the Truth in all of us. It’s time to decide what we want to experience. We really do have a choice for a better world. The Truth is the way to Freedom.
Dr Jenn will be delivering Angel messages that she has received that apply to all of us and taking your calls for questions and intuitive angel reads during the show. Call in and find out how you can sail smoothly on the 2014 energy!
Learn more on Jenn’s Page

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