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04-16-17 The Four Ground-Breaking Unknown Facts of Reality

About Burt:
Burt Harding, founder of the Awareness Foundation in Vancouver, offers a radical invitation to recognize the truth of our being as already whole and fulfilled. He reminds us of the love we really are beyond the personal stories we carry. In this way, we come to recognize what we have always known but did not live from – the beauty and wonder of our own true essence.

Burt has written 5 books and has over 700 You Tube videos with talks and Q & A’s and conducts sessions and workshops in Supersentience, a system devised to help heal deep wounds and promote a shift in the perception of who we really are. He has conducted studies in higher consciousness for thirty years and had his own television series on the mind/body connection.

Burt started teaching after an experience with Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, who appeared to him in 1974 while he was living in Toronto, Ontario.

As a result of this experience, he acquired the sure knowledge that the only reality lies in the present moment, the Now, and that everything else is just an illusion. His spiritual search ended in that realization.

His work:
Author of Awareness Series
ACIM Based Teachings
YouTube Channel Features Satsangs

Understand these Four Unknown Facts of Reality and you will never think the same again. These Four Facts of Reality will answer every possible question about life. Anything the human mind can ask is clearly delineated in these four magnificent and clear-cut truths.

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