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Step Into Your Naked Self-Worth® with Lora Cheadle and FLAUNT12-18-19 Step Into Your Naked Self-Worth® with Lora Cheadle and FLAUNT!

Whether you’ve been listening to the show for a while, or you have just found us, welcome to my Flock!  I’m Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer and I’m so glad you are here! Let me tell you a little bit about me, my passions, my show, my Flock, my book, and what you are going to get when you start hanging out with me in my sparkly little world in the “Flaunt Flock” Facebook Group, as a member of my FLAUNT! email list, or as one of my dedicated radio and podcast listeners.

Hanging out with me is going to remind you of who you really are. You know, who you were before you became a responsible adult who is somehow responsible for everyone and everything and had a to-do list that somehow never seemed to get done. Hanging out with me is going to inspire you to get reacquainted with your sparkly soul and all the facets of your personality that see truth, beauty and joy in everything around you.

Slowly, you will get back in touch with your body, with the joy of experiencing all of your senses to the fullest, and with all the power and pleasure your body can contain. You will slowly and deliciously begin to fall deeply in love with yourself as a magical, creative woman and your beautiful, receptive body.

You will develop an uncanny ability to spot the absolute truth and will no longer conflate your worth with anyone’s opinion of your worth. You will find, and step into what I like to call your Naked Self-Worth® which is the ability to value yourself for who you are, not who you think you should be or for what value you provide others. You will learn how to handle judgment, whether that judgment comes from within or from those around you.

FLAUNT!: Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self, author Lora CheadleEven better? You will finally start living and loving the life you have worked so hard to create! You will show up fully in everything that you do, creating the legacy you knew that you could and living what I like to call your own unique sparkle.  You see, all of sour souls sparkle, it’s just that so many of us have been shamed, blamed, hidden or covered up, and our sparkle has dimmed. But no more! What could your live be like if you were able to find your sparkle? The time is now! Let’s FLAUNT!

Pick up your copy of my number one bestselling book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self on AmazonBarnes & NobleIndieBound, or wherever books are sold!

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.

Remember, Dreamvisions 7 Listeners receive a complimentary 30 minute Life Choreography session with Lora Cheadle to find out how they can utilize the five steps of FLAUNT! to Build their Dreams and Live their Sparkle! Could you be ready to live your best life today? Calls take place via Zoom and can be scheduled here: Grab your Dreamvisions7 discount today! or 303-994-4945

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