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04-23-21 Spirit Translator: Diana Cole

Seven transformative truths for well-being and happiness form the backbone of this walk with spirit. Create a relationship with your Spirit Guides. – raise your vibrations – so others will begin treating you better – and you can enjoy deeper, happier relationships – become a positive thought warrior – so you can experience less conflict, drama and stress. – stop staying stuck in the pain of the past – and start recognizing the meaning, purpose, gift and lesson in your experiences – so you can live more at your full power – quiet your inner turmoil so you enjoy more calm during the day and enjoy better sleep at night

Diana Cole is a spirit translator, thought leader, and author. Passionate about spirit guidance, she is committed to teaching people how to access it for themselves so they may find freedom from pain and limitation and live a life of abundance, fun, and inspiration. Diana offers her empowering tools for spirit guidance in group settings, speaking engagements, live workshops, and through her vibrant Instagram and Facebook communities. She is the author of “Spirit Translator: Seven Truths for Creating Well-Being and Connecting With Spirit” (St. Martin’s Press, August 2020) and coauthor of “Pillars of Success” (August 2020) with Jack Canfield. Diana’s first children’s book, “Alina the Positive Thought Warrior,” is due to be released at the end of 2020. Learn more at

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