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Becoming Fierce: Stephanie James

10-04-24 Becoming Fierce: Stephanie James Embody the powerful, passionate, fiery energy that is the authentic expression of you. Love beyond external circumstances, live fully in the present moment, and fully embody the spark that is you, letting it shine the way for...

Dying Into Love: Meghan Don

 09-27-24 Dying Into Love: Meghan Don Learn how this presence of love can become your constant companion on one of the greatest of all life journeys, whether you are dying, taking care of the dying, or want to prepare for your death whenever that may come. Drawing on...

Mind Magic: Dr. James Doty

09-13-24 Mind Magic: Dr. James Doty Manifestation has been widely dismissed as self-involved, materialistic phooey. Now, James R. Doty, MD—a Stanford neurosurgeon, New York Times bestselling author, and Dalai Lama collaborator—reveals that manifestation is rooted in...

Portals: Freddy Silva

 08-30-24 Portals: Freddy Silva The experience of two worlds makes you present in both but bound to neither. A portal is a point of possibility, a step into a thousand journeys. Freddy Silva takes you on a magical tour around the world to places on the land where the...
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