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11-16-17  Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Julia Bowlin a physician and author of To Me I Thee Wed who has implemented a blend of conscious awareness and conventional medicine to help people deal with depression and addiction and achieve health and wellness. Julia Bowlin shares an intimate and professional understanding of how personal social and cultural influences impact one’s inner self and as a result one’s overall health and wellness and how to love honor and cherish YOURSELF forever after, and offers an RX for a healthier wealthier and wiser you. Julia tells us how the inspiring idea to write about self- love began…and she wrote, “Some people say there are no mistakes. So I’ll call it a stroke of unintended insight that overtook my nephew during his wedding vows. He and his bride dutifully recited their lines exactly as the priest said them—with one exception: When it came time for Matthew to say “I marry thee,” what came out instead was,“ I marry me.”

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