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01-31-19 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews John Vespasian

John speaks six languages will share through the personal examples of people In his stories how they and we all can find the right sequence of steps to deal with challenges and create an environment for positive results. John tells the story of Luigi Cornaro who overcame terminal illness and lived 102 years as well as telling the story of Mendel who sought to be a teacher but failed the interview process as he was painfully shy and a poor public speaker. Never giving up he succeeded in many areas that were documented and used ultimately to teach in a different way than he initially expected. John share the qualities and attitudes we must foster in order to improve personal development through proper action and succeed in areas of interest to us finding a better quality of health and longevity as we simply follow the path best suited for us. The goal seems to include working consistently, patiently, with resolve and resilience to persevere against any challenge.

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