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Chrissie Astell author of Seven Steps Into Angel Light08-29-19 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Chrissie Astell author of Seven Steps Into Angel Light and her new Guardian Angel Oracle Cards

Chrissie is one of the most highly qualified and experienced angel teachers and writers in the U.K. She holds a BA in Comparative Religion and post-graduate certificates in Spiritual Development and will share with us new awareness of angels and their place in time space life and death and a new perspective of their many qualities and services to humanity. Chrissie tells us that angel cards and readings have become really mainstream, especially amongst millennials. We believe that at this time in human evolution many of the souls being born are of a high spiritual awareness and are here to help others remember and realign to the Divine so perhaps heaven can be realized on earth as it was always supposed to –In a beautiful world of nature where love between souls beyond separation created by illusion and fear, we may truly come to know peace, end war and illness, and simply be the divine eternal souls that we have always been.

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