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02-14-18 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Anita Russell an independent consultant and network marketer, host of her local talk show featuring guests who live purposeful lives and share their experiences with others. Anita is a contributor to the book Motherhood Dreams and Success with other authors. Anita writes, “At the tender age of five three things happened—my first brother was born: I lost my sister and my house caught on fire. My sister was my best friend and even now, I have vivid memories of her. One day we were playing outside when she was struck and killed by a car. My entire world changed as I peered into my sister’s eyes for the last time. Unable to comprehend what happened, it felt like I was in a black box. I have no memory of the time between the accident and the funeral. But at the funeral God graciously showed up and I experienced a physical manifestation of His glory. The words He whispered into my young spirit were, “I AM always with you.” In that moment, God brought me into a lifelong friendship with Him….

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