The Second Genesis Awakening™ Archives with Debara Bruhn Towt
I Am: Heart of Wisdom
12-16-24 I Am: Heart of Wisdom In the stream of this conversation Janice and I look at ~ Wisdom~ The I Am of Wisdom in our daily live, The Heart of the Soul of the essence of Wisdom’s divine Journey from With In our self & the outer connection to all life…...
11-04-24 PURITY...IS EVERYTHING This show is a focus on someone living their own Second Genesis Life & Times. It just so happens you might know this individual...she has her own radio show broadcasting on Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network. The title says it...
NEVER GIVE UP & NEVER GIVE IN: Facing Fear and Moving Through It
02-26-24 NEVER GIVE UP & NEVER GIVE IN: Facing Fear and Moving Through It Feeling overwhelmed by LIFE...feeling CONFUSED & UNSURE...YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Debara hosts Adam't on this show as they go into the STRUGGLES LIFE PRESENTS TO US. It is a Sharing of...
Finding Our Way…Everyday…To A Brighter Future
06-05-23 FINDING OUR WAY...EVERYDAY...TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE This episode has Debara sharing amazing advances into her own Second Genesis Life & Times. Her Resolute Desire to understand the Changes taking place in her Body, Heart & Mind & Spirit have...
Living A Phenomenal Life: Personal Insights Into Regeneration
02-13-23 Living A Phenomenal Life: Personal Insights Into Regeneration Adam't Shares his Insights into the dietary additions he began a couple months ago. It's all about our own Personal Revelation...Insights...into how each of us can find a Pathway out of our...
Looking Into the”Mechanical Matrix” Of a Phenomenal Life
12-05-22 Looking Into the"Mechanical Matrix" Of a Phenomenal Life Debara and Adam't have been on a Journey of new discoveries lately, into the Phenomenal Actions that can be taken in order to more fully Capture the Amazing Qualities offered in the organically grown,...
Universal Language
08-09-22 Universal Language This week's show continues into the Nature of what it means to live in a Phenomenal Life as Humans...and as Cosmic Offspring of a Living Universe, here on this planet having a uniquely Human Experience. There are spoken language's created...
Living In A Phenomenal Life
06-20-22 Living In A Phenomenal Life This week begins a series of shows that take the Listener into the Phenomenal Nature of Being Human. There are Aspects to being-Human...the Nature of Time, Human Language, both Spoken and Unspoken, Emotion & Thoughts, the Dream...
Peace & Power of Prayer: The Only Sustainable Future for Mankind
05-09-22 PEACE & THE POWER OF PRAYER: THE ONLY SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR MANKIND This show explores the Nature of Sound, the Nature of Connection and how Music for & from the Heart & Souls of artists can take us into Elevated Levels of personal...
Springing Into Life…Human Life…And All of Life
03-28-22 SPRINGING INTO LIFE...HUMAN LIFE...AND ALL OF LIFE It's that time of year...a Changing Season of Renewal, Rebirth and Birth. Explore the simple actions we can take to bring ourselves more into that Enchanting & Magical Way to be Human in our daily lives....
Relationships ~ The Second Genesis Awakenings
02-14-21 Relationships ~ The Second Genesis Awakenings Happy Valentine Month!!! This episode brings into focus the Inter-Personal Relationships that exist between those Engaging a Second Genesis Awakening and Lifestyle. Your Host, Debara, brings Adam’t back for some...
01-03-22 FINDING YOUR WAY INTO THE TIMELESS NATURE OF BEING HUMAN… This month’s show has Adam’t “in the House” sharing with us some Personal Insights he has gained over the years about this time of the year…the Winter Solstice…the Holly Daize …we find ourselves in…and...
Connecting to the Ancient of Days…Within Us All…
11-01-21 Connecting to the Ancient of Days...Within Us All... This week's show once again has adam't in the House, speaking about the Ancient Connections that began and continue for him from his Beginnings of a 100% plant based, organically grown diet of nuts, seeds,...
09-27-21 WE ARE ETERNALS BEINGS, HERE TO HAVE A UNIQUELY HUMAN EXPERIENCE. BECOMING THE UR...OF LIFE... This week's show with Adam T Gardener...founder and creator of and visionary/developer of America's Medicine going to take us on...
GROW what you eat & eat what you GROW
08-23-21 GROW what you eat & eat what you GROW You are in for a treat on this episode, our good friend Susan Whiting WE our blessed everyday by her friendship and bigger than life spirit. Susan is no stranger to organic gardening, from the start as a young...
Living a Life Free of Sickness and Disease
07-26-21 Living a Life Free of Sickness and Disease Debara welcomes back to the hour a new episode with lovely guest & friend, Kathrine Scott who shares more about how the body knows how to heal itself, her plant based journey and her new classes on healthy...
Finding Truths…Wherever They Come From
06-28-21 FINDING TRUTHS...WHEREVER THEY COME FROM Adam't joins the Chorus of Voices once again...offering Insights into specific plant medicines we can all make at ingredients in our local markets, etc. What makes this Show most interesting is the Sources...
Living a life Free of Sickness and Disease
04-19-21 Living a life Free of Sickness and Disease The way back to living a life of joy that is possible and doable "If you are asking yourself these questions and find yourself fatigued with symptoms of memory loss, blurry eyes from covid recovery. If you are...
03-22-21 HOPE HEALTH HAPPINESS- Harmony Series Adam’t Gardener is the Commentator and Narrator for this one hour Ride on what he calls…The Human Accelerator™. Author of two books, writer & visionary of America’s Medicine Wheels and a Whole Foods Whole Herb...
02-22-21 HOPE HEALTH HAPPINESS- Harmony Series Debara welcomes to the hour lovely guest & friend, Katherine Scott to share with us her inspiring, Journey of Healing, Plant based diet and much more.... Kathrine: I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1996....