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08-23-21 GROW what you eat & eat what you GROW

You are in for a treat on this episode, our good friend Susan Whiting

WE our blessed everyday by her friendship and bigger than life spirit. Susan is no stranger to organic gardening, from the start as a young daughter, Susan’s father instilled in her hard work as side by side she helped him while planting and watching everything, GROW… Plant’s fruit and nut tree flowers sprouting up as through much tenacity, she experienced that you do reap what you sow…

Today, Susan’s favorite part of her & Max’s garden is what she refers to as God gifts.  (Volunteer plants that sprout up and are delicious…MMMM)

Susan has healed from cancer of the thyroid as she knows the benefits of eating out of the garden. Her daughter Tiffany, sharing with me today about her mother, Susan is the best kept secret ever.. Susan is an educator, she went to the university of Utah and gained her master’s degree in family therapy, while raising 5 children.. She worked for over 35 years in the mental health higher education services.  Now, you can find her and husband Max in the garden feeding around 50 family’s all organic fruits and veggies while teaching them how to grow food to restore their own health by reducing pollution on the plant .. Susan advocates for all to know the freedom of growing your own food. Her and Max have 10 children, 27 grandchildren and 2 great grand babies …  from early spring to late fall you find them in their beautiful and amazing garden.

We asked Max who is the Chief for Susan to share with us some recipes…

You modify it to what is best for you… Enjoy.

Nut Meat 
2 Cups Raw Pecans
favorite taco seasonings to taste…
2 tablespoon soy sauce
Place in food processor blend to texture of that like a meat …

Sautéed Cabbage 
1 onion
1 medium cabbage to preferred size fry to golden brown
Add 2-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
fold nut meats on top ….

Homemade Tortillas 
3 Cups Stone Ground Flour Organic
1tsp sea salt
1tsp baking powder
1Cup Water
2 Tablespoons Oil {our suggestion Sunflower (Expeller Pressed)  which is cold pressed}

Mix dry ingredients add oil~ water
Knead into a ball then cut into 8 pieces
Fry at medium heat, 1 minute on each side

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