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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and Deborah Beauvais welcomes Reneé Coltson, Associate Instructor for The Reconnection who leads Reconnective Animals™ worldwide. Join Reneé and Deborah Saturday August 24th at 2pmEST/11amPST, a Dreamvisions 7 Radio broadcast at 1510am NBC Sports Radio Boston…see details below.

Topic:The Reconnection™, Reconnective Animals™ 
Renée Coltson was born and educated in the conservative Midwest, Renée developed her practical and pragmatic approach to things that held a sense of mystery. She excelled in the corporate world for many years. Fascinating and exciting as it was, “winning the game of personal power and financial success wasn’t enough”. There seemed to be something missing. In 1986 while on sabbatical from corporate responsibilities, it became apparent that her ability as a natural healer could no longer be ignored. After a sequence of extraordinary events and much soul searching, her life took a new direction leading her on to a clear path of healing and teaching. Renée has learned from this direction “Those who seek will attain, and there really is a pattern to the Universe.”

By 1989 her natural healing ability was becoming more expanded and she wanted to further her knowledge in the art of healing. She investigated, decided to train in Reiki, and began her healing practice using those principles. In 1993 she became a certified Reiki Master and began teaching. Over time Renée has had many experiences of a mystical nature. Her awareness and healing frequencies evolved and integrated into her healing art.

In early 2000, she was led to study Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™. Under the personal training of Dr. Eric Pearl, she became an approved graduate and made her transition from Reiki to a full-time Reconnective Healing practitioner offering her services for healing sessions, The Reconnection and animal healing. By February 2003 she was selected and successfully completed the Advanced Level IV course and became one of the first few in the world to earn Level IV Graduate distinction followed by becoming an Associate Instructor in early 2007. Renee continuously expands and evolves the skills and level of expertise in as Teaching Assistant capacity for Dr. Eric Pearl.

Reneé is also available to coach/mentor other practitioners as well as conduct public demonstrations of the work to groups of any size, such as civic groups, classrooms, senior citizen and community centers, a gathering of friends, etc.

Renée is the founder of “Partnership in Planetary Healing” (PIPH) a non-profit organization dedicated to easing suffering and raising global consciousness.

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Station-Boston & Worldwide
Dreamvisions 7 Radio at 1510am NBC Sports Radio Boston
The Love By Intuition Show with Deborah Beauvais
Live August 24th Saturday at 2pmEST/11amPST
Worldwide Listen Live link:
Callers toll free 866-338-9663 or 617-237-1234

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Station syndicated
August 27th & 30th at 6pmEST & 6amEST
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