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One of the most satisfying and profound experiences I’ve had is facilitating a Reconnective Healing™. As a Practitioner I’ve come to embrace this special energy and know it is received exactly as it should; with me out of the way, but meeting each soul as the healing begins. Sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, each time is special for both client and I. There are so many levels of healing that transpire and remain with each client to utilize as guidance for their next plateau of life. When Kids are introduced to Reconnective Healing™, it’s a truly amazing experience to witness as they connect immediately while playing with the frequencies. I so love working with children of all ages, facilitating healing to these precious little ones expands my heart love.

The Reconnection™ is another level where one is reconnected to the universal grid, the meridians, DNA… strings and strands connect to show the brilliance of who we are. It’s facilitated just once in a lifetime..imagine that!  The Reconnection™ opens one to amazing frequencies …magical things happen and a path presents itself.  The Reconnection™ brings an in depth wisdom that can be incorporated throughout one’s life.

Contact me if you like  for any questions or to set up an appointment. Learn more here:

Either  Reconnective Healing™ or The Reconnection™ make beautiful gifts as both remain with the person for a lifetime…what better gift to give? Sessions are facilitated at Seekonk Family Chiropractic, in Seekonk Ma.

Reconnective Healings $125 per

The Reconnection $333

Deborah Beauvais #508-431-1959 or 508-226-1723


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