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Happiness Coach Elliott Robertson06-10-20 Overcome Fear and Have the Courage to Say Yes to Life – with Happiness Coach Elliott Robertson

At one time or other, most of us have felt like life has dealt us a bad hand. We judge ourselves harshly for our failures, and we sometimes think, “If only I had the right partner, a better body, more money, or a great job…then I’d be happy.” But research tells us that while having these things can make us happier in the short term, long term happiness is actually an inside job.

Say Yes to Life shows you how to live a happier, more fulfilling life by cultivating inner harmony regardless of your life circumstances, with the 7 Keys to Inner Harmony

As a young man, author and Love and Joy Coach, Elliott Robertson resented life for being unfair. He was jealous of others who led more fulfilling, prosperous lives. But today he is free of jealousy and bitterness after discovering the seven keys that lead to inner harmony.

If you’ve tried the traditional/usual law of attraction techniques such as vision boards and writing ideal scenes to no avail, been seeking happiness in a variety of ways over the years and you’ve resigned yourself to the daily grind, feel like there must be something more but aren’t sure exactly what that something might be or how to find it, and want to replace habits that lead to misery with habits that lead to joy and well-being, this this is the show for you!

Say yes to your expansiveness. Say yes to your uniqueness. Say yes to the new. Say yes to knowing what you want. Say yes to freedom from the past. Say yes to grief. Say yes to happiness and joy!

Say Yes to Life introduces a new way of thinking about living life. When you say Yes to your life come what may, you become elevate and enter a bright, more spacious world, the world inhabited by the mystics.

Learn more at

Download your Bundle of JOY gift pack, designed to help you tap into your smart, sexy, and spiritual self today at It’s got a:

  • Lap dance video tutorial that’s designed to get YOU back in touch with YOURSELF,
  • Downloadable Hypnosis MP3, Create One Positive Habit that helps you take control of your habits, instead of having them take control of you, AND
  • Worksheet on Increasing Your Intuition with simple, everyday steps.
  • So, before we go further, hop on over to and get your Bundle of Joy today!

Please enjoy my Elephant Journal Article, there or on my blog, about bodies, the fact that nudity is not sexual, and how our sanitized and photo shopped world we have lost touch with our bodies and ourselves

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Still want more? Of course you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.

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