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Kyle Darling03-11-19  Not Just Clean; It’s Thera-Clean®!

This week, Dr. Judy is pleased to welcome Kyle Darling, the Co-founder and President of Thera-Clean® Microbubble Technology, joining us from Vancouver, Canada.   So what is this technology? Perhaps you’ve seen it as an extra service your groomer offers or even heard Dr. Judy mention it on her daily “Breakfast with Spaniels” show.  After today’s interview, you’ll not only understand but may decide Microbubbles could really help your pet. Basically, the Thera-Clean® Microbubble System gently removes trapped dirt, bacteria, yeast — and even allergens — to reduce odor and itching.  It dramatically improves therapeutic results without soaps, chemicals or abrasives, enabling the deepest possible cleaning that chronic skin conditions need before they can heal.  Numerous success stories posted on the Thera-Clean® website by groomers, their customers and even veterinarians are testament to this natural, chemical free solution to so many skin problems that can plague pets long term.  You won’t want to miss hearing Dr. Judy and Kyle discussing how he came up with this chemical and drug free technology that is restoring comfort and happiness to pets and their owners everywhere.

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