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10-03-18 Meet Erica: Inspirational Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur and Personal/Professional Development Coach

Erica is the creator of the Soaring Mastermind Membership, a first-of-its-kind monthly subscription that helps people stay committed and equipped to create their dreams by sharing resources, strategies and key support. Her flagship course, Powerful YOU Master Program, empowers people to awaken their power within and live their purpose while having fun and not losing themselves along the way.

Erica’s personal journey from misery to mastery has laid the groundwork for over two decades of deep study and rich life experience to help individuals and organizations close the gap between where they are and where they actually want to be.

Erica has been on a progressive speaking circuit since 2013. She has presented lectures at, Universities, business conferences, wellness retreats, non-profit organizations, and TEDxModesto, among many other notable organizations.

Erica has also partnered with the trail blazing global lifestyle organization, Liv , aligning with her desire to serve as a catalyst for people to live their dreams all over the world. Her team LivInspired is not only helping people travel the world and turn their “bucket lists” into “liv lists” but creating more financial freedom for the many people that desire so much more living in their life.

Erica is a Life-Lover, Inspirational Speaker, Thought- Leader and Wellness Entrepreneur. She has created and sold several successful companies, designing programs in physical, emotional, and organizational wellness for the past 18 years. She is a powerhouse who finds joy in the little things and loves to laugh. She jokes that she eats books for breakfast. Her passion is fueled by her desire to help elevate joy in humanity by strategically inspiring possibility and personal power through the integration of ancient wisdom, leading edge science and courageous life experience.

Erica’s husband Brad and son Kai are the lights of her life. As she pursues her Ph.D in I/O Psychology; International Business and her first book I AM : Happy. Healthy. Free launches , every step of her effort is focused on empowering people to live, laugh, and love to their highest potential in mind, body, and business.

“May we all fully awaken to how incredible we truly are. We are powerful and we can heal our world by living our dreams. To think anything less is a profound misunderstanding.” -Erica O.

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