Love by Intuition Archives with Deborah Beauvais
Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker
02-28-23 Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed poet, novelist, translator, mystical scholar, and spiritual teacher. Harvey has published over 20 books...
Special Treat for Valentine’s Day! Empowering Ourselves & the World with Self Love with Mary McManus
02-14-23 Special Treat for Valentine’s Day! Empowering Ourselves & the World with Self Love with Mary McManus Mary McManus, motivational speaker, critically acclaimed author and poet, 2009 Boston Marathon finisher, and polio and trauma survivor has a remarkable...
Into the Light: Emerging From the 2020 Pandemic with Mary McManus
12-13-22 Into the Light: Emerging From the 2020 Pandemic with Mary McManus As you begin reading “Into the Light: Emerging From the 2020 Pandemic” you will be drawn into Mary McManus’ unique perspective of experiencing a world pandemic as one who contracted paralytic...
EMMY winning Director Jerri Sher returns to discuss Making Movies that Help the World
11-08-22 EMMY winning Director Jerri Sher returns to discuss Making Movies that Help the World JERRI SHER is 2x EMMY Award-winning filmmaker. A member of the Directors Guild since 1998, she has completed 22 film and television projects. Ms. Sher wrote, directed...
ENERGY PRIME TIME & MindWorks with Dr. Roxanne Daleo
10-25-22 ENERGY PRIME TIME & MindWorks with Dr. Roxanne Daleo “I help stressed, anxious children and their parents to calm down with natural methods so they can improve their focus and just be happier overall.” The work I have to offer introduces a new paradigm...
EMMY winning Director Jerri Sher & Dr. Emmett Miller present the 12-part healing series LIVE LIFE
09-27-22 EMMY winning Director Jerri Sher & Dr. Emmett Miller present the 12-part healing series LIVE LIFE Live Life presents a fascinating series of very personal stories demonstrating the healing potential within each of us. Although the stores may be different,...
Moving with God Past the Pain…of divorce, death or any parting of lives once joined with Pam Carlquist
09-20-22 Moving with God Past the Pain…of divorce, death or any parting of lives once joined with Pam Carlquist “One early morning just nine months after she and her husband of 27 years had separated, Pam Carlquist inadvertently began a dialogue that would change her...
Meet the Angels with Michael André Ford
09-13-22 Meet the Angels with Michael André Ford Michael André Ford is an angel intuitive with 12 years of experience who helps you meet, hear, and see angels and other loving figures. His book Listening to Angels has ranked #2 on Amazon in the ‘Angel’ category. He...
Meet the Angels with Michael André Ford and later Chrissa Santoro, Communications Director at Omega Institute
09-13-22 Meet the Angels with Michael André Ford and later Chrissa Santoro, Communications Director at Omega Institute Michael André Ford is an angel intuitive with 12 years of experience who helps you meet, hear, and see angels and other loving figures. His...
Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D., author of Uplifted: 12 Minutes to Move Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality
08-09-22 Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D., author of Uplifted: 12 Minutes to Move Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality Holistic Health Educator, Celebrity Consultant, and Author with 40-years of Experience, Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D. “EAT THIS, NOT THAT” & “DO THIS,...
07-26-22 BEING: THE 7 ILLUSIONS THAT DERAIL PERSONAL POWER, PURPOSE AND PEACE with Simran Singh SIMRAN’s current trilogy is a practical and in depth set of manuals that guide an individual into the depths of self realization, deep presence and awareness. Book 1,...
The Journey of a Celtic Healer with Rod Kelly and later Chrissa Santoro, Communications Director at Omega Institute
07-13-22 The Journey of a Celtic Healer with Rod Kelly and later Chrissa Santoro, Communications Director at Omega Institute The first 49 years of Rod Kelly’s life was fairly normal. That was until he heard four single words over a phone call from his doctor. “We have...
The Journey of a Celtic Healer with Rod Kelly
07-13-22 The Journey of a Celtic Healer with Rod Kelly The first 49 years of Rod Kelly’s life was fairly normal. That was until he heard four single words over a phone call from his doctor. “We have a problem!” For the next seven years, Rod’s world became a blur of...
Learn The Way to Your Darkness through Soul Coaching with Karendayal Devi, your Life’s River Guide
06-14-22 Learn The Way to Your Darkness through Soul Coaching with Karendayal Devi, your Life’s River Guide Bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern times Karendayal is your Life’s River Guide for mind body soul care with her practical East meets West vibe....
Tapping into the Power Within to Rise to Your Brilliance with Laura Gray
05-24-22 Tapping into the Power Within to Rise to Your Brilliance with Laura Gray Guest Laura Gray, Published Author, Living Kidney Donor, and a Fervent Advocate for Sexual Assault Victims Laura Gray: In 2015, as a result of my own childhood trauma, I created IPride,...
LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience with Simran Singh
05-10-22 LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience with Simran Singh Let me introduce you to… LIVING: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience — If there were a life manual that could guide you through every experience, would You want to know? — Did You know there are 7...
The Chiron Effect: A Guide to Healing using Astrology to Identify your Core Wounds with Lisa Tahir
04-26-22 The Chiron Effect: A Guide to Healing using Astrology to Identify your Core Wounds with Lisa Tahir We all have experienced disappointment, sadness, rejection, or the loss of something meaningful in our lives. When you are wounded, innate animalistic instincts...
Deservingness: The Art of Getting More of What You Want with Tasha Chen
04-12-22 Deservingness: The Art of Getting More of What You Want with Tasha Chen Tasha Chen wrote Deservingness for you—those of you who are tired of hearing you must believe you deserve the best in order to get it. Yet, you still do not know how to believe because...
Living Fearlessly – Mind/Body/Spirit Balance with Eileen Bild
03-22-22 Living Fearlessly – Mind/Body/Spirit Balance Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTEL Universe, Executive Director/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host. She holds a Masters in Transpersonal...
The Afterlife Frequency with Mark Anthony
03-08-22 THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY with Mark Anthony THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life by Mark Anthony World-renowned psychic medium and Oxford educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the...