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09-20-22 Moving with God Past the Pain…of divorce, death or any parting of lives once joined with Pam Carlquist

“One early morning just nine months after she and her husband of 27 years had separated, Pam Carlquist inadvertently began a dialogue that would change her life forever. In a moment of desperation, she sat down with pen and paper and cried out to God for help. To her surprise, she received an answer, a response so comforting and so wise that she continued the correspondence for over a year… The answers, though not what she had expected, launched her on a journey of healing and love.”

*It’s not so important what happens in life as it is how we respond to each event.
*There is no loss; for every door that closes, another—nay, 100—doors open.
*Every event, no matter how difficult or dark, is perfect for our healing, for remembering who we are and who we want to be.
*Even in the darkest of moments, one can find light—and when we do, the most surprising things happen.
*We are the creators of our lives. Our choices inevitably determine our happiness and/or sorrows.

***Each of us is an entity moving through a life in which every drama—every heartbreak, every supposed tragedy, every triumph—is an opportunity, an offering, for our awakening. -inspired by a Ram Dass quote

(Pam’s life now: 20 years after separation from husband—the symbiotic relationship she and her former husband have managed to create for themselves/her realization about her parents’ early deaths, the winged creature as he sails off into the summer sky, and so much more…)

Pam Carlquist is a longtime Utah resident who has lived in Park City since 1975 and who taught English courses for over 40 years in the public schools and writing and literature courses at both Westminster College and the University of Utah. In addition, she is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including her 2013 memoir and self-help book Moving with God PAST THE PAIN … of divorce, death or any parting of lives once joined—the story of an extraordinary year in the life of Pamela Woodbury Carlquist, during which she journeyed from a woman despairing to a woman empowered—and her inspirational novelettes entitled The Mudbugs and the Winged Creature and The small book of… The Mudbugs and the Winged Creature. A passionate proponent of the environment and all things living, Pam spends as much time as possible in the great outdoors, hiking, skiing, gardening or running along mountain trails near her home in Park City, Utah.

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