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Is it Insensitive to Advocate for Organic Food to Low Income Populations?

America has been in a health crisis for over a decade. Heart disease and cancer have each been killing nearly 2000 people a day, long before COVID. At this rate, we are set to bankrupt our nation with health care costs in less than 8 years (unless we keep printing money of course).  Either way, our society is being severely impacted by the cost of health issues.

And yet, the number one disagreement when we at Moms Across America insist that organic, regeneratively grown food is essential for creating healthy communities and local food security, is that it “costs too much.” A common argument of GMO proponents is that educating low income people about the benefits of organic leads to them feeling “embarrassed and ashamed because they cannot afford it.” This implies that our mission for everyone to have access to healthy organic, regeneratively grown food is somehow insensitive and maybe even discriminatory.

First of all, a new paper by the Rockefeller Foundation shows that when health and environmental impacts are included, our current conventional food system is costing us 3 X more than what we currently are paying. So claiming that conventional food is cheaper is actually completely inaccurate in the long run. And that’s what we are talking about here – the long run, the health, and safety of not only this generation but future generations to come. READ MORE HERE


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