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Inner Thoughts- The Elderly

old-coupleYou may recall another time when I’ve mentioned each elderly person should wear a medallion with a personal picture showcasing them at a younger age. This way, people wouldn’t excuse the elderly or become impatient, instead they would see the younger version, connect with the person’s essence, their soul and then fill up with compassion.

In the last few months my time has intensified with overseeing both in-laws…like many of the elderly, my Father-In-Law has been in/out of the hospital, now in a Rehab Nursing Home where he will remain… my dear 92 yr. old Mother-In-Law is still vacillating on whether she can take care of her beloved husband. Being a private couple most of their lives, she doesn’t want anyone in the house and has sent previous agency help home. But as time passes her dementia has progressed and it is clear my MIL will soon need assistance herself. One wonders how to honor them, when safety is in the balance.

Speaking of balance, I’ve experienced my own emotions, wondering if I can balance all responsibilities. I’ve had a good cry or two. I’ve made a choice to resonate in the Higher Frequency because it creates an assurance that all things are possible. Trust is my mantra; knowing answers with solutions will come in Divine timing…and everything will unfold exactly as it should. My usual gratitude starts each morning followed by Love vibrating to the human race and nature, and then I surrender the day to God’s Universe…this sacred space is most magnificent.

Everyone needs an advocate when in the hospital or nursing home, especially when one cannot recall their name, why they were in the hospital last week or what they take for meds. The advocate can fetch water, coffee or a chair…prevent a worse catastrophe…or simply soothe. One becomes the ‘retainer’ of information to be shared dozens of times.

As usual every experience comes with lessons to broaden our journey and enhance the LOVE within our soul, for self and others.

I know the messages received; Higher Intelligence is taking me deeper into living the very present moment, to see joy in the journey whether sad, exhausting or complicated. Take it a step even further… learning to embrace the uncertainty of life itself.

To Be Continued…

Deborah Beauvais, Owner
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network

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