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Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Quotes-01-500x293In Light of Martin Luther King Day and celebrating freedom, let us make a choice to explore consciousness, which in essence means living from a place of Love. To step up and walk the walk, not just to speak of this magnificence but apply it to our everyday lives. Society has done an excellent job instilling fear, hate and separation. Everyday we see this kind of mindset… which doesn’t serve anyone. Collectively we are a strong energy force that can make a shift now and choose a better way.

We have been given the gift of life on earth; let’s use this gift. The journey is to find the Love that already resides within us… Once conscious of this, our unique gifts designed to give to the world are shown. Cultivate these gifts and our Higher Source will deliver everything needed to create your livelihood that will serve others as well. Everything is balanced…this is Universal Law.

Imagine every person, including those in judgment and hate utilizing this kind of energetic consciousness to create solutions to heal the world.  It isn’t us against them, this country or yours…we are all one-heart source capable of coming together in compassion for all. Unconscious living isn’t working. It’s our responsibility to our ancestors and future generations to step up with conscious goals, ideas and solutions for humanity to thrive.

Self Love, Unconditional Love, and Consciousness of a Higher Purpose has been in place for ions, we just need to wake up and realize it. So Let’s get to work!

Deborah Beauvais Founder
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network
Kids 4 Love Project
The Love By Intuition Show

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