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Two of Debara’s dear friends:

Carol Letkey Visionary Founder of The Village of Many Nations sharing stories with us of her hands-on experiences of harmony. Carol lived at the village among the people, the tribes and elders actively engaged with the world visiting the Village of many Nations from countries from all around the world during the Spring, Summer & Fall.  (2000 to 2011)

Carol shares her experiences of hope inspired by great spirit every day, as the Native American’s shared their stories and dances and arts and crafts, walks to the medicine wheel & much more. Learning to build hogans, wickups with Tipi’s  …Being Taught by the elder.. Many who are now gone….

In the second half of the show Susan Whiting shares with us what we lovingly call the Organic Humanity Gardens.

Women who take action and live from the heart ..  Debara has questions about what is happening now in their communities? ~ Susan with Organic Gardening feeding 100 families & Carol share ways to reach out during Covid-19 to families In Navajo & Hopi communities: The Hopi Outreach program.

How can we help?  Women reaching out to touch hearts with Spiritual food and food to sustain our bodies …

Susan said “more people are doing good then is reported on the news.”… KIND ACTS…Carol said, “Make New friends, but always keep the old friends for one is silver and the other is gold.”

Let us always keep making a positive difference with our families, each other and in our communities…

Stay Safe .. Blessings to you all… Thank you Great Creator!!!

Here is where you can give to feed a family …Mike Sweat’s Hopi OutReach

For 25 years, I have been going to Hopi land at Christmas time. We have delivered many semi loads each year helping the elderly and those in need. Due to the fact that the Hopi tribe has been hit hard with the Covid we will not be doing our Hopi Outreach in person this year. Instead, we will be delivering food coupons for the elderly. Our goal is to have 200 elderly families receive $70 worth of food that they can redeem at McGee‘s Trading Post on the Hopi reservation.  We are about halfway there and I am asking for any donation that you can possibly make to help an elderly. In order to succeed we need your help. Many thanks, in advance for all those who have helped in the past and for all the volunteers that have come each year and gave up their time and money to help those in need. To pay with PayPal please go to our website

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