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Carly Pollack, author of Feed your Soul05-15-19 Get Off the Diet Rollercoaster and Lose Weight Permanently with Carly Pollack, author of Feed your Soul

Carly Pollack is the author of Feed Your Soul and is the founder of Nutritional Wisdom, a thriving private practice based in Austin, Texas. A Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a master’s degree in holistic nutrition, Carly has been awarded Best Nutritionist in Austin five years running and has helped over 10,000 people achieve their health and happiness goals. Visit her online at

She has been in private practice for ten years, and has coached thousands of people using holistic nutrition and functional medicine practices.

She believes that the most important piece of weight loss is the mind! In fact, one of her sayings is,

“Our plate is a reflection of our inner state.” You see, our food behaviors stem from our mind’s stories and beliefs. If you don’t change your views, you can’t change your behavior long term. Short-term weight loss may be fine for some, but Carly is looking for a permanent change, and that can only happen from the inside out.

For example, as Carly states in her book, Feed Your Soul, “As we begin to uncover our negative thoughts and shift them, we realize that boundaries around food create body freedom, not food prison.” Think about it like this: There are two levels to the concept of “food freedom.” The first level is when you feel free to eat whatever you want. Wahoo, you are free to eat fries for breakfast! This level of food freedom creates body prison, as we inevitably live in a body that doesn’t make us feel good. The next, more enlightened level of food freedom is when we start eating in a way that makes us feel free on a much deeper level than “free to eat whatever we want.” We eat foods that respect the body’s communication (this may mean eating gluten-free, paleo or vegetarian, for example), and therefore we begin to feel free in our bodies and our experiences. We start to find deeper meaning and joy that wasn’t available to us when we were stuck in the mental roller coaster of food and body obsession. This foundational mental shift is the only thing that can truly set us free.

If you are ready to learn the five, non-negotiables of weight loss, health, and vitality, to create permanent change and to finally set yourself FREE from yo-yo dieting, then this show is for you!

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